
Webworks and Offsite Comments,
relating to the subject of

proper province of government

Displaying 91 - 113 of 113
I Drink to Bloomberg
Is that a large size container? Come with me, son.

Government is designed to protect me from violence. That's really about it. Everything else is optional tyranny.


Read all… Subjects: added on 2013 Jan 25
Subjects: proper province of government

Everything is inescapably going digital and nettified. Analog broadcasts? Paper trucker logs? Autos w/o black boxes?

Read all… Subjects: added on 2013 Jan 25
Subjects: Big Brother, proper province of government

[Did not publish. My comments on Moonbattery never do. For some reason.]

"There you go again!"

Read all… Subjects: added on 2012 Nov 13
Subjects: proper province of government

[Chrissy: $300K for wearing a feather suit?! That’s criminal.]

Read all… Subjects: added on 2012 Oct 13
Subjects: Election 2012, Big Bird, proper province of government

We're so messed up, I'd actually appreciate it if the Gummint would take the blame for our failures and problems. Alas, not being an Obama-contributing Green Business, that seems unlikely.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2012 Jul 17
Subjects: Barack Obama, business, proper province of government

You don't have to be anti-vaccination to oppose the government's insistence on its methods. Government mandates one rule, one size fits all. How is that right?

Read all… Subjects: added on 2012 Jul 6
Subjects: proper province of government, vaccines

A link to my own mindful "medical marijuana" webwork

"In everything, somebody's in charge...."????

Read all… Subjects: added on 2011 Jul 21
Subjects: liberty, human right, proper province of government

We don't need to get jumpy and impose rules which twist the law to ban what we dislike today but which will be used to ban what we like tomorrow when the Other Party is in power.

Having many things better to do this scorching Saturday morning, instead I have been reading the overnight.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2011 Jul 16
Subjects: transport, TSA, human right, proper province of government, coffee

Once again, the country's most Republican state... doesn't matter. (Light humor.)

Read all… Subjects: added on 2011 Jul 12
Subjects: proper province of government, light bulb, liberty, human right
Radical Incline

Sure we believe in liberty except when we don't, says Ann Coulter.

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Pres Reagan
Radical Incline

Was Reagan slow on addressing this new, mysterious disease?

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Bad Quaker
Radical Incline

Countering common erroneous arguments for prohibitionism; the Golden Rule as the foundation for good law.

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Cowpoke with Ale
Radical Incline

The so-called war on drugs is utterly unwinnable and in its very conception perverts the purposes of good government.

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Head Shop
Head Shop

LEGAL AND SAFE! But your mother might not approve. Comics, songs, nonsense.
