Displaying 1 - 4 of 4
Sources: TheNewYorkTimes, FOPmzL4q32vvmBTz8m6IiA, 7m9C1J8wVb7HugSlq_-hWw, BenghaziTruth, mittromney, TheYGNet, GOPrapidresponse, jackohoft, meredithdake, YAFTV, GOPICYMI, CrossroadsGPSPress, charliespiering, TheNRCC, documentaries2010
Video by Others added on 2012 Oct 26
Subjects: Allen West, Benghazi, Chris Christie, economy, Election 2012, foreign policy, growing up, Impeach Obama, Mitt Romney, Syria, terrorism
Subjects: Allen West, Benghazi, Chris Christie, economy, Election 2012, foreign policy, growing up, Impeach Obama, Mitt Romney, Syria, terrorism
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Sources: jackohoft, PajamasMedia, otMuEE-YfoZXrirONE6p9w, BarackInTime, mittromney, joegerarden, BarackObamadotcom, GOPrapidresponse, cnn, meredithdake, RomneyComms, CharlieDanielsVideos, secureamericanow, johnnydollar01, AmericanFutureFund, GOPICYMI
Video by Others added on 2012 Oct 24
Subjects: cancer, China, foreign policy, George McGovern, Harry Reid, Impeach Obama, John Kerry, Marco Rubio, Mitt Romney, Obamacare
Subjects: cancer, China, foreign policy, George McGovern, Harry Reid, Impeach Obama, John Kerry, Marco Rubio, Mitt Romney, Obamacare
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Sources: charliespiering, cnn, GOPrapidresponse, jackohoft, concernedwomen, meredithdake, rnc, mittromney
Video by Others added on 2012 Oct 19
Subjects: Bill Clinton, education, Election 2012, food, Harry Reid, humor, Impeach Obama, Iran, Iraq, Joe Biden, Michelle Obama, Mitt Romney, Republicans and Democrats
Subjects: Bill Clinton, education, Election 2012, food, Harry Reid, humor, Impeach Obama, Iran, Iraq, Joe Biden, Michelle Obama, Mitt Romney, Republicans and Democrats
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Sources: dentonexable, ESactionfund, GOPrapidresponse, khalidfree75, chrischristievideos, meredithdake, jackohoft, hatingbreitbart, thesharktank1, morgenr
Video by Others added on 2012 Oct 3
Subjects: aberrant psychosis, accident, airplane, alcohol, automobile, Bartlesville, bicycle, Bill Clinton, birth certificate, Breitbart Lives, Chris Christie, Communism, Dale Evans, disastrophe, Donald Trump, economy, Election 2012, fail, gangs, George W Bush, Hillary Clinton, Impeach Obama, Israel, Joe Biden, John Boehner, Kansas, LaughingStock Media, marijuana, Michelle Obama, Mitt Romney, Mullendore Murder, music video, Newt Gingrich, Obama ate dog, Obamacare, Oklahoma, parody, Paul Ryan, politics, prohibition, proper province of government, racism, rail, Ron Paul, Roy Rogers, Rush Limbaugh, SCoaMF, superheroes and supervillains, Supreme Court of the United States, tax, tornadoes, US Senate, US Vice-President, weather, Woolaroc
Subjects: aberrant psychosis, accident, airplane, alcohol, automobile, Bartlesville, bicycle, Bill Clinton, birth certificate, Breitbart Lives, Chris Christie, Communism, Dale Evans, disastrophe, Donald Trump, economy, Election 2012, fail, gangs, George W Bush, Hillary Clinton, Impeach Obama, Israel, Joe Biden, John Boehner, Kansas, LaughingStock Media, marijuana, Michelle Obama, Mitt Romney, Mullendore Murder, music video, Newt Gingrich, Obama ate dog, Obamacare, Oklahoma, parody, Paul Ryan, politics, prohibition, proper province of government, racism, rail, Ron Paul, Roy Rogers, Rush Limbaugh, SCoaMF, superheroes and supervillains, Supreme Court of the United States, tax, tornadoes, US Senate, US Vice-President, weather, Woolaroc
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