
Here are comics and online features I like, or sort-of like, or once liked, or just linked to because I felt like it.

These links open in a new tab or window, usually. Click on the link, the window opens, read the funny, close the window, you're back here.

Or, after opening the first link, leave that tab open, come back here, and click on a bunch of links, not too quickly, and they'll all load in that other tab. Then you go back to that other tab and browse back-and/or-forth through the comics you've chosen.

Confused? It can be even more confusing! I mean, there's so many angles. That other tab is named "strips," by the way, see, and if somehow this page is in a tab named strips, the links will just load here. If you click on a link and the 'strips' tab is already opened, then the link will be loading in the background and if you don't know and don't notice that's what's going on, you might think the link is dead. And if your browser is set to open in new windows and not tabs, or not to permit "pop-ups," this may not work. Think this is nuts? You should try writing this stuff!

— Notes —
2011 Oct 19
Redesigned this page.
Checked, and updated or retired, the Funnies links. I maybe missed one or two. I'll catch them in days to come.
Editorial links not checked for a long time. So many of them are so dreadful, actually… The cartoons, I mean, not the links.
Other comics I like to read and follow aren't added yet.
Suggestions and corrections welcome.