The Culturally Insensitive Pseudo-Hispanic Version
The 2016 Recordings. Sixteen episodes. Mostly music videos, also skits and animations.
Call of the wild and tame
When all else fails, have another cup before try, trying again.
But can you make it with cornbread? A lamerick.
Seeking holy rescue from financial self-destruction. Need a hand or a handout? Good luck.
Did you miss 3/14 1:59? Talk like a Pi day?
Psychological Human Trafficking, #FakeNews Ahead
Subjects: border security, LaughingStock Media, Trump Derangement Syndrome
Newly-recorded: three songs, one instrumental, plus a cartoon, and black & orange Hallowe'en cats!
Escaping the cult is no easy thing, as this one discovers
Can't dance as I used to do.
A very brief bit of madness, a sine of the times.
Complaining about the lack of privacy in the ancient times before every kid had a cell.
You thought you were leading? Just try to keep up!
Celebrating what makes America great, or some of it.
No matter what you do, no matter where I am, I get that feeling
Battling the urge to run the red
Abandonment anxiety and devotion
Getting it together in the service of a rockin' God. Meant with all respect for her.
A long cold winter in the forecast. Stock up on faith.
Another reason why English literacy should be required for citizenship.
Despite blots on the canvas, the big picture matters
The poetic attempt that falls just a tiny apostrophe short of success.
Which has no standard form.... a bit of doggerel in and about rhyme.
Our task remains the same.
It's not very long. It just feels that way.
It's not about UFOs. It's about your revelation.
Subjects: Urantia Papers, revelation, spirituality, shelf-consciousness
A chance meeting of two perspectives on life's highway.
Who's gonna be the GOP loser?
Subjects: Mitt Romney, GOP, Election 2012, Cocktail Party Republicans, parody