Nice speech.
Alas: John Roberts.
I wonder, did he employ this "hope you hurt" philosophy when he threw in with the enemy and told us Obamacare was a tax? :(
Republican Senators are planning on keeping the details of their Obamacare replacement bill secret
Yeah, yeah.
How hard is it to "repeal and replace"? This hard:
Vic #71: ...Obamacare... idiot Republicans drag their feet with repeal arguing about what to replace it with.
Regressives continue plugging away on gun grabbing...
Remember how they kept failing on socialized health care? (Like, Hillary?) Then, suddenly, here we are.
...GOP-led Congress will finally act to fulfill a 2010 promise to repeal and replace ObamaCare.
Vic: And what is the replace shit?
Hitler's Action T4: Hey, they even sort of acknowledge us in "The Man in High Castle"...
And the theme recurs in ep8, latest one we watched.
When Cloggenstein hits the Schnappes early in the morning, it's always amusing, both for the (attempted) content and the tpyos, but I gotta say, "Afartable Health care act" is a winner.
"The Democrats are gearing up for the fall's totally un-expected health insurance premium hike announcements."
"A Third State Abandon's Obamacare Exchange"
I cannot figure out what a "third state abandon" is, nor how it's possessing itself of an O Exch makes sense.
Dead thread
Go away
No one will read
What you have to say.
—Karma Shave
» Even a minor cut or scrape could become life-threatening if the wound got infected.
Y'all really think Romney couldn't debate Hillary?
» On Wednesday April 2, NBC's "Today" which usually airs clips from their late night comedy shows or from "Saturday Night Live" did not air footage of Fallon's ObamaCare criticism.
Sitting here looking at an article on CNS, c/o Drudge, saying Hairy Reed lying that he lied about those hurt by Obamacare being liars.
Subjects: Harry Reid, Progressives Playbook, Obamacare, Spirit of Truth
(Because you probably missed it on the ONT....)
When I said state attorney generals didn't have to follow the law, I didn't mean they could start enforcing immigration and ignoring Obamacare enforcement.
"The purpose of the website was never to have a website. The purpose of the website was to have a pretext for transferring a crapload of money from the taxpayers to Obama cronies..."
Can't keep track of what I got from where. Maybe I got this here? Whatevs, here 'tis.
ObamaCare-themed variety show - srsly u guyz
Passed along, FWIW. jc's prescient hindsight?
Posted by: mindful webworker - doodler at January 09, 2014 08:21 PM (U13jb)
The doggeh makes me feel wheeee! Not bad.
obamacare for dummies
I read backwards.
I read forwards.
I think mmy brain wore out. Now to pass through the Morpheus dimension, and pop out refreshed in the future. Alakaboom!
Every time I heard this theory I thought to myself:
What if the guy whose window you broke comes out and beats the shit out of you?
Posted by: tangonine
Really, our family celebrates Christmas the twelve days, not Halloween to Dec 26. Just to annoy folks.
New nanny laws are buried in the healthcare law that nobody read before voting on it.
Posted by: Vic
"Roberts could have saved America. Instead, he nailed the coffin shut."
I'm not that dead yet.
Subjects: John Roberts, Obamacare, United States of America
New pot
Some Obamacare Stuff
—Gabriel Malor
dozen paragraphs
Think I'll check if there were developments I missed in the Pedo Pete saga last night.
And I must say I'm shocked, shocked that AP would suggest Obamacare would raise costs.
Know it, not so shocking. But say so...?!?
You know Frankie and Harry and Lyndon and Dickie,
Georgie and Jackie and Jimmie and Willie,
But can you forget
The bigizest bullshitter yet?
Subjects: Christmas, George Soros, Impeach Obama, Obamacare