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Stuff has to go somewhere. This is where this stuff is.
Webworks are just stuff which can go on the web, a page of text, an image, a video, maybe even virtual worlds.
Most recent webworks:
Thinking of Faith
5 months ago
Haying Done 2023 Aug 3 thumb
Haying Done 2023 Aug 3 Morning
Sweet smell of new-mown hay
11 months ago
Saddam & Gamora
Catastrophic Team-Up
1 year ago
Chef Milton
Free to Chew
The Fundamentals of Kitchen Economies
1 year ago
Eternal clock
Daylight Saving Time: The Simple Alternative
How free people would handle the seasons
1 year ago
Richard Boone / Paladin
Familiar Faces on Old TV Shows
Have Talent, Will Act
1 year ago
Christine Gautheir
Best We Can Offer
We have a special kit for you
1 year ago
Oreo stack
Oreo Rant
1 year ago
Jack o' Lantern
Slimed on Halloween
What are you supposed to be?
1 year ago
Jess Dixon in his flying automobile
Impractical but Pretty Flying Car
Room for two, and a bindle
1 year ago