Breitbart Lives
Surely it was Andrew's ticker.
And not that dinner with Bill Ayers....
* cue suspense chord *
Reaganite Republican's Hump-Day humor collection of posters political and humorous (and animated) is especially rich today.
Today's Hope n' Change cartoon and editorial
Slice of Life
"When did Breitbart dot com get bought out by the GOPe?" -Beyond Disgusted
Well, let's see, what day did Andrew die?
Why? What now?
Andrew Breitbart (would have been 45 today)
Note for pros: Don't dine with Bill Ayers.
"She quietly crept out of the house without even saying good-bye which was a good thing because when I got done with SCOAMF, she was next." - jeannebodine
Subjects: 2001-9-11, Benghazi, Breitbart Lives, Obamacare, Patriot Guard Riders, space exploration
Subjects: Benghazi, Big Brother, big government, Breitbart Lives, Communism, FBI, Impeach Obama, Superman, Tea Party
Seems t'me, and I hate that we've come to this, but, a few canny patriots in the spy agencies could do some serious, possibly permanent damage to their computer systems.
Subjects: aberrant psychosis, accident, airplane, alcohol, automobile, Bartlesville, bicycle, Bill Clinton, birth certificate, Breitbart Lives, Chris Christie, Communism, Dale Evans, disastrophe, Donald Trump, economy, Election 2012, fail, gangs, George W Bush, Hillary Clinton, Impeach Obama, Israel, Joe Biden, John Boehner, Kansas, LaughingStock Media, marijuana, Michelle Obama, Mitt Romney, Mullendore Murder, music video, Newt Gingrich, Obama ate dog, Obamacare, Oklahoma, parody, Paul Ryan, politics, prohibition, proper province of government, racism, rail, Ron Paul, Roy Rogers, Rush Limbaugh, SCoaMF, superheroes and supervillains, Supreme Court of the United States, tax, tornadoes, US Senate, US Vice-President, weather, Woolaroc
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