Big Bird
Displaying 1 - 7 of 7
Sources: RomneyComms, v4sa, mittromney, DWFMT9-ikRx7Kxh6MIO42Q, PajamasMedia, jackohoft, Whateverhappentocomm, GOPICYMI, cmddrums, RightChange, collegehumor
Video by Others added on 2012 Nov 5
Subjects: abortion, Barack Obama, Benghazi, Big Bird, Bill Clinton, Chicago, Communism, Election 2012, Fast and Furious, Jimmy Carter, kidnapping, Mitt Romney, Oklahoma, Paul Ryan, welfare
Subjects: abortion, Barack Obama, Benghazi, Big Bird, Bill Clinton, Chicago, Communism, Election 2012, Fast and Furious, Jimmy Carter, kidnapping, Mitt Romney, Oklahoma, Paul Ryan, welfare
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Sources: DirtyPoliticsVids, jackohoft, NRAVideos, AmericanCrossroads, rnc, mittromney, GOPICYMI, RevealPolitics, GOPrapidresponse, youtube, MakeAmericaStrong, RestoreOurFuture, PajamasMedia
Video by Others added on 2012 Oct 26
Subjects: Big Bird, China, Donald Trump, economy, Election 2012, gun rights, Impeach Obama, Joe Biden, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan
Subjects: Big Bird, China, Donald Trump, economy, Election 2012, gun rights, Impeach Obama, Joe Biden, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan
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Sources: NobamaApp, GOPICYMI, GOPrapidresponse, mittromney, NewsBusted, PajamasMedia, rnc, RomneyComms, Whateverhappentocomm
Video by Others added on 2012 Oct 26
Subjects: Benghazi, Big Bird, democracy, Donald Trump, Election 2012, Fluke, Glenn Beck, Iran, Israel, Jesse Jackson, Joe Biden, Mitt Romney, Obamacare, Paul Ryan, South Korea
Subjects: Benghazi, Big Bird, democracy, Donald Trump, Election 2012, Fluke, Glenn Beck, Iran, Israel, Jesse Jackson, Joe Biden, Mitt Romney, Obamacare, Paul Ryan, South Korea
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[Chrissy: $300K for wearing a feather suit?! That’s criminal.]
Read all… ‖ Subjects: added on 2012 Oct 13
Subjects: Election 2012, Big Bird, proper province of government
Subjects: Election 2012, Big Bird, proper province of government
Sources: jackohoft, GOPICYMI, dAAGP1HFRSFoly78fku8xw, rightscoop, dentonexable, rnc, GOPrapidresponse, stanleydixon23, billwhittlechannel, XL0fcOdT6TSk56kgCi05iQ, townhall, ppsimmons, ABCNews, Electad, charliespiering, dncclips
Video by Others added on 2012 Oct 11
Subjects: Benghazi, Big Bird, blogs, foreign policy, Impeach Obama, Iran, Israel, Jay Carney, Joe Biden, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Susan Rice, terrorism, Trey Gowdy
Subjects: Benghazi, Big Bird, blogs, foreign policy, Impeach Obama, Iran, Israel, Jay Carney, Joe Biden, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Susan Rice, terrorism, Trey Gowdy
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Sources: GOPrapidresponse, AmericanCrossroads, PajamasMedia, mittromney, RomneyComms, GOPICYMI, rnc, collegehumor, NewsBusted, CFPEcon101
Video by Others added on 2012 Oct 10
Subjects: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Benghazi, Big Bird, Chicago, economy, family, foreign policy, Jay Carney, Mitt Romney, Obamacare, terrorism, Trifecta
Subjects: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Benghazi, Big Bird, Chicago, economy, family, foreign policy, Jay Carney, Mitt Romney, Obamacare, terrorism, Trifecta
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Sources: AforP, nmaworldedition, PajamasMedia, AmericanFutureFund, mittromney, sdamatt2a, garybpilot1, jackohoft, ruzziduzzi, GOPICYMI, gamecocksonline, heritagefoundation, IOTW2009, BarackObamadotcom, bearcloud, tomreedcongress
Video by Others added on 2012 Oct 8
Subjects: Alfonzo Rachel, Ann Coulter, Benghazi, Big Bird, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, education, family, Impeach Obama, Joe Biden, Mitt Romney, Obamacare, Paul Ryan, Trifecta, Whoopi Goldberg
Subjects: Alfonzo Rachel, Ann Coulter, Benghazi, Big Bird, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, education, family, Impeach Obama, Joe Biden, Mitt Romney, Obamacare, Paul Ryan, Trifecta, Whoopi Goldberg
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