It's a real flying car. Quad-copter tech looks cool. I'll take two.
Free as a very heavy bird. Flying future is here now.
Easy parallel parking, a technique that never caught on
Getting away and taking it all with you. Military truck converted to mobile home
Foot-powered flight. Wouldn't the Wright Bros be proud!
Crawling cars - TIGER: Hyundai’s Uncrewed Ultimate Mobility Vehicle (UMV) Concept
Examining Transportation Fundamentals, page 4 of 4
Examining Transportation Fundamentals, page 3 of 4
Examining Transportation Fundamentals, page 2 of 4
Examining Transportation Fundamentals
The history, current state, and future of moving people and stuff from here to there.
Where in the World Wide Web I got those images, and stuff.
Hint #1: It's all natural. But, so are poison ivy and earthquakes..
Progressive energy policy under the leadership of the smarter than us elite.
Horatio Santos: There wasn't much traffic so I was able to pull over (to the left of course).
eleven #442: Yeah...flying cars would be the worst thing ever.
Like giving monkeys flamethrowers.
Yeah, but flying cars with flamethrowers, that would be great.
Lance McCormick: actual favorite, the self-driving cars at the 4-way stop where none went first....
John Prine: The Accident
Did not read the whole thing because, do not care to load my brain up with all the details on lib rail fail.
Greetings from beyond the veil.
Dog on the driveway, basking in the bright moonlight. Relatively warm. Hot tomorrow. Can't complain about that.
Sat down with our daughter -- 4yo? -- to watch Mr Rogers. Turned on tv & there was Dan Rather looking serious, with a model of the rocket on his desk.
Oh, yeah. Just remembered. Daughter coming by at 6am to have me drive her to The City. She's accompanying my mother to California for mom's baby brother's 95th birthday party.
* Dives in before Ace is up *
Someone discussing automated automobiles again? Can't resist that dangling hook...
...Hans assembled two bicycles, and they fled Paris just a few hours before it fell....
Wow. I would hate to think of depending on my bicycle assembly skills in the last hour!
Driving home, two-lane, coming up the hill, glare of oncoming car's headlights, there was something I didn't see on the road. But I heard it as we ran over it.
G'morning, y'all.
Speaking of airline "safety," Why don't Commercial Airplanes have Parachutes? (from Today I Found Out)
* furiously copying notes in case I should, for some strange reason, find myself in Las Vegas again *
cthulhu: [likes my comment so much, repeats it twice ] Another technique worth considering is driving to the nearest police/highway patrol station.
An online encounter this weekend reminded me of the one and only time, many years ago, that I had a serious road rage encounter.
What's the strangest car crash cause you morons know of?
Didn't crash, but... my brother-in-law was driving a semi when he realized he had a bee up his pants.
BTW, the poster I linked to earlier, No One Predicts the Future, was one page out of a month-long series I did as part of my Daily Doodles series (which lasted a year).