Impeach Obama
Thank you for posting these.
The first interview, and the Fox interview were informative.
Oh, how shocking. I'll bet all the Demoncrats will now utterly withdraw any support for Obama -and Ryan and the spineless #NeverTrump RINO herd, as well. Uh-huh. You bet!
Still plowing through comments.
...Magic Teflon Negro with a vaporware resume and the ability to Talk White While Being Barely Black. etc.
By the way...
Ted Cruz Leads the Charge to Stop Obama's Internet Giveaway
Okay, y'all, let's pitch in and do the work Maet isn't doing.
Case #126: I think Obama is going to speak to the country again.
J.J. Sefton #131: You mean "talk at." He never "speaks to" anyone. Sick bastard.
Where have I been? Lurking, working, and j... just busy, okay?
cthulhu #230: Whenever his voice comes over a device, the device is muted or turned-off or I remove myself from its vicinity. Been that way for over eight years now....
junior #11: "White House on Damage Control"
Ignoramus: ...It's a wonder Obama could deliver this with a straight face.
That's not a straight face. Never has been.
Howdy, y'all.
Checking in late. Won't be here long.
Just in case nobody's posted it, Barry posing in Cuba in front of .... waitaminnit... what, b worry? (Funny pic)
I had been thinking, maybe the Obamas will come back ridden with Cuban bedbugs, but I reconsidered because they would infest the White House.
But there are other possibilities...
Visit Historic Cuba, because... it's not North Korea!
joncelli: Can the CiC unilaterally abandon a military base without the consent of Congress[?]
Something somebody said back there been tickling my mind...
OregonMuse: If Obama spied on my church, the only thing he'd find out is that pretty much all of us in the congregation think he's a crappy president.
From Vic's news history item:
336 to Inauguration Day
* taps foot impatiently, kicks calendar *
Since the matter was mentioned... a mindful video webwork from back in Oct 2012:
I'm surprised Obama hasn't named a happiness czar
Can we get a Life Czar and a Liberty Czar along with that? It's in the Declaration of Czar Dependence after all.
McCool: If you listen very hard - you can hear the call of the muezzein to evening prayers.
Sweetest sound in the world!
...Constitutional THREAT of the day...
While you were looking elsewhere, Lindsey girl gives us the Constitutional thread of the day...
Lizzy: anyone know what the deal is with Obama visiting that Maryland mosque?
"Obama to attend mosque, known to support terrorism"
Morning, Glories!
I'm smiling and happy, as ordered.
A mild 45°F here in NE Okla, heading up to... um... 46 today. ?? Temperature just forgot to drop last night.
An electorate that would vote an unqualified "community organizer" in as President - twice!?? Beyond embarrassing. Terrifying.
MrScribbler: Wonder how many decades it will take to repair the damage Choom Boy can do in just this final year?
J.J. Sefton: ONE
What could go wrong?
BB Wolf: So today they said the Boats Iran snagged, did NOT have engine problems...
It was a horrible Internet video that we had nothing to do with.
Of course the Democrazis are freaking out that anyone would call the President childish. They're all utterly puerile, nay, infantile.