Displaying 1 - 30 of 57
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Oct 31
Subjects: growing up, Halloween, Impeach Obama, Kathleen Sebelius, Obamacare, toys, Tulsa
Subjects: growing up, Halloween, Impeach Obama, Kathleen Sebelius, Obamacare, toys, Tulsa
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Sources: 60minutes, GOPrapidresponse, GOPICYMI, rnc, WildBillForAmerica, Massteaparty
Video by Others added on 2013 Oct 29
Subjects: Benghazi, Homeland Security, Obamacare, small business, TSA
Subjects: Benghazi, Homeland Security, Obamacare, small business, TSA
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Sources: iboxtv, JewishNewsOne, WildBillForAmerica, GOPrapidresponse, mrcolionnoir, markdice
Video by Others added on 2013 Oct 23
Subjects: Albert Einstein, Barack Obama, Big Brother, boycotts, conspiracy, dogs, Halloween, Iran, Iraq, Jay Carney, John Kerry, Michelle Obama, Netanyahu, New World, nuclear, Obamacare, puzzle, responsibility, The View
Subjects: Albert Einstein, Barack Obama, Big Brother, boycotts, conspiracy, dogs, Halloween, Iran, Iraq, Jay Carney, John Kerry, Michelle Obama, Netanyahu, New World, nuclear, Obamacare, puzzle, responsibility, The View
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Sources: GOPrapidresponse, YbkkW-221ySHllLLhD8YCA, markdice, PajamasMedia, rnc, WildBillForAmerica, RightSightings, NewsBusted, WashingtonFreeBeacon, cgreene34
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Oct 16
Subjects: gun rights, Impeach Obama, Kathleen Sebelius, patriotism, preparedness, Sheila Jackson Lee, threat, tyranny, US Constitution, welfare
Subjects: gun rights, Impeach Obama, Kathleen Sebelius, patriotism, preparedness, Sheila Jackson Lee, threat, tyranny, US Constitution, welfare
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Sources: rnc, GOPrapidresponse, PajamasMedia, stripeschannel, mrcolionnoir, RightSightings
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Oct 3
Subjects: climate, Dr. Benjamin Carson, heroes, IRS, Nancy Pelosi, Obamacare, Second Amendment, WW2
Subjects: climate, Dr. Benjamin Carson, heroes, IRS, Nancy Pelosi, Obamacare, Second Amendment, WW2
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Sources: trumblele, bartby, HerBunk, truemoveh, mygenopportunity, houseofsunny, thejmanprepper, PajamasMedia, GOPrapidresponse, InstituteForJustice, WildBillForAmerica, mrcolionnoir, NRAVideos
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Sep 27
Subjects: Big Brother, Egypt, LaughingStock Media, Obamacare, Syria, Vlad Putin
Subjects: Big Brother, Egypt, LaughingStock Media, Obamacare, Syria, Vlad Putin
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Sources: LaughingAtLiberals, GOPrapidresponse, patcondell, WildBillForAmerica, NewsBusted, mrcolionnoir, InstituteForJustice
Video by Others added on 2013 Jul 16
Subjects: Benghazi, First Amendment, gun rights, Harry Reid, news, threat
Subjects: Benghazi, First Amendment, gun rights, Harry Reid, news, threat
Comments open
Sources: thejudgechannel, who2tv, AmericanCrossroads, StevenCrowder, hillsdalecollege, GOPrapidresponse, NewsBusted, NRAVideos, mrcolionnoir, PajamasMedia, rnc, InstituteForJustice, themrsuslov, ReasonTV, WildBillForAmerica, CFPEcon101, jacksonforlg, catoinstitutevideo, RightSightings
Video by Others added on 2013 Jul 2
Subjects: Anthony Weiner, Benghazi, border security, Boston Marathon 2013, civility, Declaration of Independence, Eric Holder, George Zimmerman, Hillary Clinton, Libya, Nancy Pelosi, news, Sarah Palin, self-defense
Subjects: Anthony Weiner, Benghazi, border security, Boston Marathon 2013, civility, Declaration of Independence, Eric Holder, George Zimmerman, Hillary Clinton, Libya, Nancy Pelosi, news, Sarah Palin, self-defense
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Sources: GOPrapidresponse, StevenCrowder, NewsBusted, PajamasMedia, ReaganFoundation, UETVNews, TexasMilitaryForces, WildBillForAmerica, rnc, LaughingAtLiberals, mrcolionnoir, IOTW2009, NRAVideos, xdm45acp, RightSightings, RepJimBridenstine, thepatriotnurse, joegerarden, politicalturkey, charliespiering, TwitchyVideo
Video by Others added on 2013 Jun 6
Subjects: Allen West, Benghazi, Big Brother, Chris Christie, climate, Eric Holder, history, honor, Maxine Waters, Normandy, Ted Cruz, Trey Gowdy
Subjects: Allen West, Benghazi, Big Brother, Chris Christie, climate, Eric Holder, history, honor, Maxine Waters, Normandy, Ted Cruz, Trey Gowdy
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Sources: PajamasMedia, patcondell, NewsBusted, WildBillForAmerica, GOPrapidresponse, markdice, rnc, ReasonTV, VeritasVisuals, NRAVideos, GOPICYMI, IOTW2009, JewishNewsOne, Whateverhappentocomm, catoinstitutevideo, mrcolionnoir, thepatriotnurse, TwitchyVideo
Comments open
Sources: mindfulwebworker, patcondell, ReasonTV, NewsBusted, wsukeeper30, StevenCrowder, WildBillForAmerica, IOTW2009, mrcolionnoir, PajamasMedia, FuckingSoon, JewishNewsOne, GOPrapidresponse, thepatriotnurse, GOPICYMI
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 May 20
Subjects: abortion, accident, Alfonzo Rachel, Benghazi, gun rights, IRS, Michelle Obama, Oklahoma, organized religion, religion, singing, Tea Party, tornadoes, Trifecta
Subjects: abortion, accident, Alfonzo Rachel, Benghazi, gun rights, IRS, Michelle Obama, Oklahoma, organized religion, religion, singing, Tea Party, tornadoes, Trifecta
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Sources: GOPrapidresponse, footbawler1, rnc, patcondell, NewsBusted, Thetruthdamit, WildBillForAmerica, JewishNewsOne, PajamasMedia, mrcolionnoir, RightSightings, RepVirginiaFoxx, floydb310, ReasonTV, DailyEnglishNews, WashingtonFreeBeacon, Dutchnoble, RepMikeKelly, NRAVideos, thepatriotnurse
Video by Others added on 2013 May 18
Subjects: Alfonzo Rachel, Benghazi, Boston Marathon 2013, energy, Eric Holder, gun rights, Impeach Obama, preparedness, Sgt Schultz (John Bonner), US military
Subjects: Alfonzo Rachel, Benghazi, Boston Marathon 2013, energy, Eric Holder, gun rights, Impeach Obama, preparedness, Sgt Schultz (John Bonner), US military
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Sources: AmericanCrossroads, PajamasMedia, StevenCrowder, JewishNewsOne, RightSightings, GOPICYMI, GOPrapidresponse, ReasonTV
Video by Others added on 2013 May 10
Subjects: Benghazi, Bill Whittle Afterburner, Hillary Clinton, IRS, Jay Carney, kidnapping, Michelle Malkin, War in the Middle East
Subjects: Benghazi, Bill Whittle Afterburner, Hillary Clinton, IRS, Jay Carney, kidnapping, Michelle Malkin, War in the Middle East
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Sources: NRAVideos, mrcolionnoir, NewsBusted, ReasonTV, rnc, youtube, Whateverhappentocomm, collegehumor, WildBillForAmerica, YouHotNews, RightSightings, JewishNewsOne, GOPrapidresponse
Video by Others added on 2013 May 6
Subjects: gun rights, humor, Islam, medical marijuana, news, terrorism, Terry McAuliffe, War in the Middle East
Subjects: gun rights, humor, Islam, medical marijuana, news, terrorism, Terry McAuliffe, War in the Middle East
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Sources: rnc, Whateverhappentocomm, WildBillForAmerica, GOPrapidresponse, JewishNewsOne, mrcolionnoir, ReasonTV, NewsBusted, thepatriotnurse, PajamasMedia, NRAVideos
Video by Others added on 2013 May 1
Subjects: 2001-9-11, abortion, Benghazi, Big Nanny, democracy, gun rights, Impeach Obama, Jay Carney, Progressives Playbook, news, patriotism, rage, self-defense, terrorism, Trifecta, US Civil War, War in the Middle East
Subjects: 2001-9-11, abortion, Benghazi, Big Nanny, democracy, gun rights, Impeach Obama, Jay Carney, Progressives Playbook, news, patriotism, rage, self-defense, terrorism, Trifecta, US Civil War, War in the Middle East
Comments open
Sources: GOPrapidresponse, patcondell, WildBillForAmerica, NewsBusted, Whateverhappentocomm, VeritasVisuals, PajamasMedia, rnc, GOPICYMI, RightSightings
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Apr 3
Subjects: Barack Obama, gun rights, Islam, news, North Korea, US military
Subjects: Barack Obama, gun rights, Islam, news, North Korea, US military
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Sources: PajamasMedia, mrcolionnoir, WildBillForAmerica, GOPrapidresponse, Whateverhappentocomm, RightSightings, ReasonTV
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Mar 27
Subjects: economics, gun rights, homosexuality, marriage, race
Subjects: economics, gun rights, homosexuality, marriage, race
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Sources: RightSightings, jbranstetter04, Whateverhappentocomm, PajamasMedia, ReasonTV, GOPrapidresponse, mrcolionnoir, GOPICYMI
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Mar 26
Subjects: economics, education, gun rights, Islam, Progressives Playbook
Subjects: economics, education, gun rights, Islam, Progressives Playbook
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Sources: GOPrapidresponse, GOPICYMI, Whateverhappentocomm, thealexjoneschannel, PajamasMedia, NRAVideos, thepatriotnurse, JewishNewsOne
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Mar 22
Subjects: conspiracy, gun rights, health, Impeach Obama, Joe Biden, Kathleen Sebelius, preparedness, Republicans, WW2
Subjects: conspiracy, gun rights, health, Impeach Obama, Joe Biden, Kathleen Sebelius, preparedness, Republicans, WW2
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Sources: mindfulwebworker, mrcolionnoir, GOPrapidresponse, WildBillForAmerica, youtube, GOPICYMI, JewishNewsOne, ReasonTV
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Sources: GOPrapidresponse, mindfulwebworker, NRAVideos, mrcolionnoir, GOPICYMI, RightSightings, ReasonTV, Whateverhappentocomm
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Mar 16
Subjects: business, fail, foreign policy, gun rights, Harry Reid, Impeach Obama, liberty, patriotism, self-defense
Subjects: business, fail, foreign policy, gun rights, Harry Reid, Impeach Obama, liberty, patriotism, self-defense
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Sources: WildBillForAmerica, PajamasMedia, JewishNewsOne, GOPrapidresponse, GOPICYMI, ReasonTV, Whateverhappentocomm
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Mar 14
Subjects: city, food, Impeach Obama, Israel, Jay Carney, parenting, Paul Ryan, Rand Paul, religion, War in the Middle East
Subjects: city, food, Impeach Obama, Israel, Jay Carney, parenting, Paul Ryan, Rand Paul, religion, War in the Middle East
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Sources: mindfulwebworker, GOPrapidresponse, WildBillForAmerica, illuminatitv, NewsBusted, JewishNewsOne, CherokeeTourismOK, PajamasMedia, RightSightings, hillsdalecollege, VeritasVisuals, ReasonTV
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Mar 12
Subjects: Afghanistan, Bartlesville, economics, education, gun rights, infrastructure, Japan, Jay Carney, Judge Jeanine Pirro, Syria
Subjects: Afghanistan, Bartlesville, economics, education, gun rights, infrastructure, Japan, Jay Carney, Judge Jeanine Pirro, Syria
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Sources: PajamasMedia, WildBillForAmerica, GOPrapidresponse, hillsdalecollege, AmericanCrossroads, GOPICYMI, RightSightings, Whateverhappentocomm, ReasonTV
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Mar 4
Subjects: Allen West, Barack Obama, Dr. Benjamin Carson, Joe Biden, Puritans
Subjects: Allen West, Barack Obama, Dr. Benjamin Carson, Joe Biden, Puritans
Comments open
Sources: WildBillForAmerica, GOPrapidresponse, IOTW2009, thealexjoneschannel, ReasonTV, catoinstitutevideo, RightSightings, Whateverhappentocomm, PajamasMedia, RealFreedom1776, hillsdalecollege
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Mar 2
Subjects: Big Nanny, economics, Impeach Obama, Joe Biden, proper province of government, tax
Subjects: Big Nanny, economics, Impeach Obama, Joe Biden, proper province of government, tax
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Sources: WildBillForAmerica, thealexjoneschannel, NewsBusted, RightSightings, IOTW2009, GOPrapidresponse, GOPICYMI, hillsdalecollege, ReasonTV, PajamasMedia
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Feb 26
Subjects: abortion, Allen West, Batman, Chicago, Dr. Benjamin Carson, drones, education, family, Greg Gutfeld, Jay Carney, Judge Jeanine Pirro, libertarianism, Michelle Obama, Texas
Subjects: abortion, Allen West, Batman, Chicago, Dr. Benjamin Carson, drones, education, family, Greg Gutfeld, Jay Carney, Judge Jeanine Pirro, libertarianism, Michelle Obama, Texas
Comments open
Sources: WildBillForAmerica, PajamasMedia, RedAlertPolitics, clashdaily, IOTW2009, ReasonTV, RightSightings, GOPrapidresponse, rnc, GOPICYMI, NewsBusted, zentv247, AssociatedPress, wordbool2, thegunslingerchannel, toppernews49, debbycrouchwhite, thealexjoneschannel, Whateverhappentocomm, houseconference, charliespiering
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Feb 11
Subjects: Benghazi, Chris Kyle, First Amendment, Gene Sperling, gun rights, human right, Impeach Obama, Joe Biden, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Second Amendment, Valentine, Valerie Jarrett
Subjects: Benghazi, Chris Kyle, First Amendment, Gene Sperling, gun rights, human right, Impeach Obama, Joe Biden, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Second Amendment, Valentine, Valerie Jarrett
Comments open
Sources: WildBillForAmerica, Whateverhappentocomm, soopermexican, PajamasMedia, IOTW2009, GOPrapidresponse, RightSightings, JewishNewsOne, ReasonTV, thepatriotnurse
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Feb 7
Subjects: Alfonzo Rachel, Benghazi, Chris Rock, consciousness, drugs, economics, evil, experience, gluten, Golden Dawn, Greg Gutfeld, Impeach Obama, infrastructure, marijuana, Paul Harvey, preparedness, violence, welfare, Westboro Baptist Church
Subjects: Alfonzo Rachel, Benghazi, Chris Rock, consciousness, drugs, economics, evil, experience, gluten, Golden Dawn, Greg Gutfeld, Impeach Obama, infrastructure, marijuana, Paul Harvey, preparedness, violence, welfare, Westboro Baptist Church
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