Paul McCartney
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Sources: Whateverhappentocomm, PajamasMedia, RightSightings, InstituteForJustice, NewsBusted, 80s4VA, AssociatedPress, pmpowell001
Video by Others added on 2012 Nov 8
Subjects: Afghanistan, Alfonzo Rachel, Benghazi, Bill Clinton, birth certificate, children, Christmas, culture, economy, Election 2012, family, food, gun rights, Herman Cain, Hillary Clinton, Impeach Obama, Iran, Michelle Malkin, Michelle Obama, Mitt Romney, Paul McCartney, proper province of government
Subjects: Afghanistan, Alfonzo Rachel, Benghazi, Bill Clinton, birth certificate, children, Christmas, culture, economy, Election 2012, family, food, gun rights, Herman Cain, Hillary Clinton, Impeach Obama, Iran, Michelle Malkin, Michelle Obama, Mitt Romney, Paul McCartney, proper province of government
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A hundred channels and nothing on?
Cartoon added on 2001 Dec 17
Subjects: channelling, TM, psychic, Urantia Moovement, Ed Sullivan, Paul McCartney, Mel Blanc, Amelia Earhart, Richard Nixon, Cleopatra, Urantia
Subjects: channelling, TM, psychic, Urantia Moovement, Ed Sullivan, Paul McCartney, Mel Blanc, Amelia Earhart, Richard Nixon, Cleopatra, Urantia
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