US Civil War
I am a healthcare worker and I've seen it all, but I'm still telling myself how lucky we are to be born now and not then when it comes to trauma treatment and med field in general.
Returned from the morning thread, where I saw that the Civil War was being re-fought. Again. Always ejjimicational.
Oh, another ambush of reflugicans is happening? I'll try to contain my excitement.
I enjoy watching comments on AoS about it. That's as deep into it as I can get.
Spellcheck, M.D.: true gentleman or lady would display a CBF...
* backs quickly away from blog *
However, I am tired of ... your slanted view of the subject. .... Simply put, the Civil War happened because the South acted like a bunch of children ... -Chris
That was a stupid and gratuitous insult, Vic. General Washington and the rest of the founding fathers weren't trying to depose King George either.
Subjects: border security, education, Iran, Israel, Mitt Romney, numbers, US Civil War, War in the Middle East
Subjects: 2001-9-11, abortion, Benghazi, Big Nanny, democracy, gun rights, Impeach Obama, Jay Carney, Progressives Playbook, news, patriotism, rage, self-defense, terrorism, Trifecta, US Civil War, War in the Middle East
"Not many of these guys left." After Mrs Ww and I watched the Chicago one (I won't re-post it; YouTube zSF0S50c9c0), we were noting the same thing, the all-too-rapidly dwindling numbers, all those wheelchairs & canes, and I recalled, when we were children, there were still a few Civil War vets alive.
Measured by short human lifespans, WW2 or the Civil War especially were a long time ago, but I remember, as a kid reading war comics, being impressed by how WW2 had only ended so few years back. Europe was still rebuilding! Lots of modern folks have a perspective about as long as the last TV season, if that, but I think we ought to have the perspective that the Cold War, the World Wars, historically, they just happened. The dangers are not long ago and far away. They're still here and now.
Only have a moment to dash off accumulated thoughts from the weekend's readings.