Displaying 1 - 4 of 4
Sources: thejudgechannel, who2tv, AmericanCrossroads, StevenCrowder, hillsdalecollege, GOPrapidresponse, NewsBusted, NRAVideos, mrcolionnoir, PajamasMedia, rnc, InstituteForJustice, themrsuslov, ReasonTV, WildBillForAmerica, CFPEcon101, jacksonforlg, catoinstitutevideo, RightSightings
Video by Others added on 2013 Jul 2
Subjects: Anthony Weiner, Benghazi, border security, Boston Marathon 2013, civility, Declaration of Independence, Eric Holder, George Zimmerman, Hillary Clinton, Libya, Nancy Pelosi, news, Sarah Palin, self-defense
Subjects: Anthony Weiner, Benghazi, border security, Boston Marathon 2013, civility, Declaration of Independence, Eric Holder, George Zimmerman, Hillary Clinton, Libya, Nancy Pelosi, news, Sarah Palin, self-defense
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Sources: mindfulwebworker, WildBillForAmerica, RqQOtXHt3Egc7-5em5p0rg, StevenCrowder, michaelsavage4prez, BirtherReportDotCom, renesalazar35, ReasonTV, encounterbooks, paper000000, wolfmanwill, thingsihavebcome, thecount, TokenLibertarianGirl, CFPEcon101, yoyobags, libertynewsmedia, quaker34667
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Jun 17
Subjects: Benghazi, Big Brother, big government, Breitbart Lives, Communism, FBI, Impeach Obama, Superman, Tea Party
Subjects: Benghazi, Big Brother, big government, Breitbart Lives, Communism, FBI, Impeach Obama, Superman, Tea Party
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Sources: GOPrapidresponse, AmericanCrossroads, PajamasMedia, mittromney, RomneyComms, GOPICYMI, rnc, collegehumor, NewsBusted, CFPEcon101
Video by Others added on 2012 Oct 10
Subjects: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Benghazi, Big Bird, Chicago, economy, family, foreign policy, Jay Carney, Mitt Romney, Obamacare, terrorism, Trifecta
Subjects: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Benghazi, Big Bird, Chicago, economy, family, foreign policy, Jay Carney, Mitt Romney, Obamacare, terrorism, Trifecta
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Sources: NwUlhv41u6CmT3Ob40hWhA, GOPICYMI, mittromney, dentonexable, AmericanCrossroads, jackohoft, christinepac, BarackObamadotcom, bigsteelguy3, madisonactionfund, CFPEcon101, Love4Utah, gangnamstyleobama
Video by Others added on 2012 Oct 10
Subjects: Benghazi, birthday, Clint Eastwood, education, empty chair, Impeach Obama, Joe Biden, Mia Love, Michelle Obama, Obamacare, OJ Simpson, Paul Ryan, Sarah Palin
Subjects: Benghazi, birthday, Clint Eastwood, education, empty chair, Impeach Obama, Joe Biden, Mia Love, Michelle Obama, Obamacare, OJ Simpson, Paul Ryan, Sarah Palin
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