Allen West
Say, didn't Ace mention some guy named Roger Stone earlier today? I just ran across a twit from him where he called Allen West an "arrogant know it all Negro Republican nutcase."
Time to pack up the tablet and change locations and IPs, but before I do, here's a comment I left on another forum earlier tonight.
Subjects: Allen West, Donald Trump, Election 2016, Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz
Allen West says, "This is what Army Strong means," posting a video showing US Army Captain Sarah Cudd, finishing the grueling final 12-mile road march for her Expert Field Medical Badge (EFMB).
"…(of record*)…"
Hey, here's this, not because this is my ticket (although I'd vote for it), but because I just liked the picture so much.
Ted Cruz takes the lead in the 2016 US Presidential Elections.
Whoa. West didn't just call TFG an Islamist. He called him a traitor.
Allen West "added that he hoped Republicans would capture the Senate in November and 'kick your white male butt out.'"
HBD Sarah Palin. 50 looks good on you.
Subjects: Allen West, Barry Goldwater, cynicism, HillBuzz, Sarah Palin
Don't forget that West voted for that Pigford II fraud. I like a lot of his stuff, but that one is a HUGE hit. : Vic
"give West a pass on Zimmerman. His opinion was about a month after it happened and everything he is relying his opinion on is wrong but was reported as fact by the media."
"The shooter, Mr Zimmerman, should have been held in custody and certainly should not be walking free, still having a concealed weapons carry permit.
"The one that stuck with me is when West went all 'Trayvon!' right after the Zimmermann shooting."
"West made an ill considered vote over a minor issue. If you asked him about it today he'd probably say he fucked up...."
Subjects: Allen West, Benghazi, Big Brother, Chris Christie, climate, Eric Holder, history, honor, Maxine Waters, Normandy, Ted Cruz, Trey Gowdy
Subjects: Allen West, Bill Whittle Afterburner, Boston Marathon 2013, economics, George W Bush, gun rights, parenting, South Korea, War in the Middle East
Pigford was a scam?
Wish somebody had told me!
Subjects: abortion, Allen West, BitCoin, European politics, gun rights, Impeach Obama, Margaret Thatcher, North Korea, War in the Middle East
Subjects: Allen West, Barack Obama, Big Nanny, Dr. Benjamin Carson, gun rights, Islam, news, North Korea, preparedness
Subjects: Allen West, Barack Obama, Dr. Benjamin Carson, Joe Biden, Puritans
Subjects: abortion, Allen West, Batman, Chicago, Dr. Benjamin Carson, drones, education, family, Greg Gutfeld, Jay Carney, Judge Jeanine Pirro, libertarianism, Michelle Obama, Texas
Subjects: Alfonzo Rachel, Allen West, appeasers, energy, Impeach Obama, Michelle Obama, Mitt Romney, US President
Subjects: Alfonzo Rachel, Allen West, Eric Holder, family, film, gun rights, Impeach Obama, marriage, police, Second Amendment, Supreme Court of the United States, Trifecta
Subjects: Allen West, Benghazi, Christmas, Communism, Egypt, Eric Holder, family, Greg Gutfeld, gun rights, Hillary Clinton, Impeach Obama, Israel, Jay Carney, Jesus, John Kerry, Michelle Malkin, Santa Claus, Sharia, squirrel, Susan Rice, Syria, The View, Trifecta, TSA, War in the Middle East
Subjects: Allen West, balance, city, economy, European politics, Impeach Obama, John Boehner, Oklahoma, race, Tulsa, United States of America, War in the Middle East
Subjects: abortion, Allen West, Ann Coulter, Benghazi, betrayal, Chicago, education, family, FBI, First Amendment, Greg Gutfeld, jihad, Joe Biden, John McCain, Mitt Romney, murder, Nancy Pelosi, Obamacare, Petraeus, race, Sarah Palin, Sharia, Trifecta, War in the Middle East, Watchmen
Subjects: Afghanistan, Allen West, Barack Obama, Benghazi, Colorado, Election 2012, food, Greg Gutfeld, Impeach Obama, jihad, marijuana, marriage, Obamacare, Petraeus, racism
Thank you for this from Allen West!
Subjects: General Carter Ham, Allen West, Benghazi, terrorism
Subjects: Allen West, Benghazi, Bill Clinton, Canada, Clint Eastwood, economy, Impeach Obama, Joe Biden, Mia Love, Michelle Obama, Mitt Romney, Paul Harvey, Ron Paul, US military
Subjects: Allen West, Benghazi, Chris Christie, economy, Election 2012, foreign policy, growing up, Impeach Obama, Mitt Romney, Syria, terrorism
For a foreseeable future
Subjects: Election 2012, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Allen West, Mia Love, Piper Palin