Is it going to be like this all the way to the conventions next year? to the election?
If we even get that far.
Speaking of which, on the 17th, I posted these two links:
On Monday, September 14, unknown suspects cut backbone fiber optic Internet cables in Livermore California in what appears to be the fourteenth attack on critical communications infrastructure in a
The Four Corners Generating Station is a coal-fired power plant located near Fruitland, New Mexico, United States.
Several major websites including Instagram, Pinterest, Netflix and Amazon crashed at midnight UK time, with many offline for around 40 minutes.
Two headlines on Drudge
Al Qaeda Targeting USA for Digital 9/11
Solar storm nearly caused catastrophe on Earth (chance of happening still 1 in 10)
Subjects: catastrophe, chance, infrastructure, solar flare, terrorism
I'm confused. Is this an open thread or reserved for politics?
"It's almost like its a make work program for the unions, rather than making actual improvements." —Jen
No "almost" about it, tho.
Subjects: infrastructure, planned obsolescence, transport, unions
Plus it's public land. Hell half the time they put one out for a dog. Enough already
Posted by: NativeNH
isn't that the fault that takes out St. Louis?
and East St. Louis?
good riddance to bad trash
of course a certain poster here would lose his weed selling corner
Subjects: transport, accident, fail, Challenger, infrastructure
Subjects: transport, future, infrastructure, fail, preparedness
Dangergirl - Many decades ago, Oklahoma instituted toll roads which would only be tolled until paid for. Guess what; they never end.
Subjects: Afghanistan, Bartlesville, economics, education, gun rights, infrastructure, Japan, Jay Carney, Judge Jeanine Pirro, Syria
Subjects: Alfonzo Rachel, Benghazi, Chris Rock, consciousness, drugs, economics, evil, experience, gluten, Golden Dawn, Greg Gutfeld, Impeach Obama, infrastructure, marijuana, Paul Harvey, preparedness, violence, welfare, Westboro Baptist Church
Our infrastructure is far too fragile. A little February blast (okay, a record blast, but still just a snowstorm) and too much breaks.
End of the Road #9 of 37