...The Income Tax: Root of All Evil...
"Cyber hack got access to over 700,000 IRS accounts."
Might'z well just post all such information a webpage, so we can all get to it.
Fair's fair.
MP4: Cruz is lying about abolishing the IRS....
He is?
Now I really haz a sadz.
It was my only hope.
Vic: ...Some congressman is reportedly "very upset" about the IRS' treasonous lawbreaking.
Oh, good. This will all end soon, then.
IRS agent being prosecuted for sexual battery during an audit.
Beyond metaphor to the real thing, eh?
Back on CompuServe, Georgia Griffith was a powerhouse of a Sysop, tight on managing the forums she ran, strict on the banhammer rules. She ran the best and fastest-moving forums.
Why the Hell Not Dept.
Recomment, from Ace's scratched drive post yesterday:
1. a small incision (I scratched my hand pulling out the hard drive)
Guy Mohawk, thanks for the link to - this guy's the best reason for Reason to still exist.
Scratched hard drive. Hahahahaha! :rage: really needs a :rage: icon.
And a flaming skull icon!!
"This will be another waste of time, I’m afraid.Just thought somebody might be interested." -PP
What Actually Happened to the IRS Emails
What Actually Happened to the IRS Emails
What the h3!! are you gonna do
When the Officer goes up your wazoo?
They'll probe and they'll poke
And they'll leave you a mess.
Subjects: climate, Dr. Benjamin Carson, heroes, IRS, Nancy Pelosi, Obamacare, Second Amendment, WW2
Barky's the kind of asshole who would leave $0.02 as a tip on the the huge twelve-course Waygu beef meals he and Moochelle have on date nights in Manhattan.
After all, he's only the Director. Nobody tells him anything.
Subjects: Robert Mueller, FBI, IRS, Rep. Jim Jordan, Tea Party, Sgt Schultz (John Bonner)
Subjects: Boston Marathon 2013, Boy Scouts, Eric Holder, faith, Impeach Obama, IRS, Islam, Superman, Woolwich 2013
Subjects: abortion, accident, Alfonzo Rachel, Benghazi, gun rights, IRS, Michelle Obama, Oklahoma, organized religion, religion, singing, Tea Party, tornadoes, Trifecta
Oh, those funny IRSS people's shenanigans!
Eye Are Ess
Eye Are Ess
Oh Wotta Mess
Oh Wotta Mess
It's backing up like a clogged up sewer
They all ran after the revenoor
"Levin last night: abolish the IRS, institute a flat or fair tax."
Mornin', y'all.
Subjects: Benghazi, Bill Whittle Afterburner, Hillary Clinton, IRS, Jay Carney, kidnapping, Michelle Malkin, War in the Middle East
Subjects: Alfonzo Rachel, Big Brother, Chris Christie, Christianity, Colorado, Donald Trump, economy, Election 2012, faith, IRS, Joe Biden, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Rush Limbaugh, Second Amendment