
Webworks and Offsite Comments,
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Displaying 1 - 24 of 24

...The Income Tax: Root of All Evil...

Read all… Subjects: added on 2016 Apr 17
Subjects: IRS, Ted Cruz

"Cyber hack got access to over 700,000 IRS accounts."

Might'z well just post all such information a webpage, so we can all get to it.

Fair's fair.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2016 Feb 27
Subjects: cats, digital disaster, IRS

MP4: Cruz is lying about abolishing the IRS....

He is?

Now I really haz a sadz.

It was my only hope.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2016 Feb 22
Subjects: IRS, Ted Cruz

Vic: ...Some congressman is reportedly "very upset" about the IRS' treasonous lawbreaking.

Oh, good. This will all end soon, then.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2015 Nov 7
Subjects: IRS

IRS agent being prosecuted for sexual battery during an audit.

Beyond metaphor to the real thing, eh?

Read all… Subjects: added on 2015 Sep 24
Subjects: IRS

Back on CompuServe, Georgia Griffith was a powerhouse of a Sysop, tight on managing the forums she ran, strict on the banhammer rules. She ran the best and fastest-moving forums.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2015 Mar 2
Subjects: CompuServe, IRS

Why the Hell Not Dept.
Recomment, from Ace's scratched drive post yesterday:


1. a small incision (I scratched my hand pulling out the hard drive)

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 Jul 23
Subjects: IRS, Lois Lerner, technology

Guy Mohawk, thanks for the link to - this guy's the best reason for Reason to still exist.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 Jul 22
Subjects: IRS, Russia

Scratched hard drive. Hahahahaha! :rage: really needs a :rage: icon.

And a flaming skull icon!!

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 Jul 22
Subjects: IRS, Lois Lerner

"This will be another waste of time, I’m afraid.Just thought somebody might be interested." -PP

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 Jul 10
Subjects: Lois Lerner, IRS

What Actually Happened to the IRS Emails

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 Jun 19
Subjects: IRS, webworker
Dog Eats Emails
Radical Incline

What Actually Happened to the IRS Emails

Cartoon added on 2014 Jun 19
Subjects: Lois Lerner, IRS
Comments open

What the h3!! are you gonna do
When the Officer goes up your wazoo?
They'll probe and they'll poke
And they'll leave you a mess.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2013 Nov 7
Subjects: IRS, modern police tactics

Barky's the kind of asshole who would leave $0.02 as a tip on the the huge twelve-course Waygu beef meals he and Moochelle have on date nights in Manhattan.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2013 Sep 6
Subjects: Impeach Obama, IRS
Radical Incline

After all, he's only the Director. Nobody tells him anything.

Comments open

Oh, those funny IRSS people's shenanigans!

Read all… Subjects: added on 2013 May 20
Subjects: IRS

Eye Are Ess
Eye Are Ess
Oh Wotta Mess
Oh Wotta Mess
It's backing up like a clogged up sewer
They all ran after the revenoor

Read all… Subjects: added on 2013 May 18
Subjects: IRS

"Levin last night: abolish the IRS, institute a flat or fair tax."

Mornin', y'all.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2013 May 16
Subjects: IRS