Big Nanny
You can buy a garden sprayer that doesn't have restrictions and gives a nice, strong spray in all settings.
So I've heard.... "but that would be wrong...."
the real ch3: Good. F--- Whole Foods and anyone that shops there
Since that seemed unduly harsh, I read the article. What did the "inspectors" really find?
Best part of staying in a hotel link:
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) wants hotels to monitor how much time its guests spend in the shower.
It's School Lunchtime, Kids!! Anybody hungry?? I know I am.
My 2¢
"Out before the libertarian flame war and/or tedious back and forth on the War on Drugs gets going...."
Posted by: S. Muldoon
female soldiers of ww2 and bear at a picnic table
the rest is mostly garbage
no offense, Maet, great work, as almost always
Had a mo to check back in. S'pose this thraid b daid, but anyway...
"You mischaracterize the nature of the problem, and therefore your subsequent understanding is flawed."
Subjects: beer, Big Nanny, morality, proper province of government
As I poured myself a 2nd small cup of joe, I remembered this, c/o Drudge, .. let's see if Pixy will take a long link...
"This is old, but it's what I think of now every time I hear that." -HR
I don't care enough to click, but I have to wonder, WTF is "third-hand smoke"?
"Butt-flicking" ban could end up costing Illinois taxpayers. 3rd offense, class 4 felony.
But jobs for the printers of such informative material.
Posted by: Golfman in. NC
Ah. Broken window economics. Right.
New nanny laws are buried in the healthcare law that nobody read before voting on it.
Posted by: Vic
What kind of kid wants to see Santa flanked by a fighter escort? I mean, besides pretty much every damn kid I ever knew. -RWC
First, I thought, yeah!
Subjects: Big Nanny, Communism, education, Santa Claus, US military, war
All Part of the Plan
Global warmies fret as if
The ice will soon all melt
Greenies close down farms because
They think it hurts some smelt
Some assholes have nothing better to do.
Posted by: Vic
Made me look!
Subjects: Big Nanny, business, education, family, Hanukkah, North Korea, patriotism, satire, Ted Cruz, Trifecta
City Orders Bar To Remove 'Thank A Veteran For Your Freedom!' Sign...(Drudge)
Subjects: Big Nanny, heroes, John F Kennedy assassination, Memorial Day, Milton Friedman, Obamacare, Tea Party, US military
Charlie teh Kitten's Super Adorable Bedtime Routine?
There are some mismatched socks in your dresser drawer.
You didn't floss this morning.
No, I'm sorry, those websites are blocked for your own good.
Finish your peas.
Subjects: 2001-9-11, abortion, Benghazi, Big Nanny, democracy, gun rights, Impeach Obama, Jay Carney, Progressives Playbook, news, patriotism, rage, self-defense, terrorism, Trifecta, US Civil War, War in the Middle East
Subjects: Big Nanny, education, gun rights, homosexuality, Impeach Obama, Joe Foss, race
Subjects: Allen West, Barack Obama, Big Nanny, Dr. Benjamin Carson, gun rights, Islam, news, North Korea, preparedness
Subjects: Big Nanny, economics, Impeach Obama, Joe Biden, proper province of government, tax
Subjects: Benghazi, Big Nanny, border security, Chuck Hagel, coffee, drones, economics, family, FBI, Greg Gutfeld, gun rights, Hillary Clinton, Impeach Obama, John Kerry, news, politics, revolution, sex, terrorism, Trifecta, TSA, war
Whatever you all are up to tonight, just cut that out. It's bad for you. I'm watching! -TFG, the anti-Ace