Dr. Benjamin Carson
Dog & baby poster: That was LOL funny. I've seen the pix before, but this is the funniest caption. :lol:
Subjects: humor, Progressives Playbook, Dr. Benjamin Carson
Mawnin, glouries!
OregonMuse: Compare Donahue's style with the sound-bite shouting that goes on today...
Kinda wonder if - in the perverse way of someone whose surprise was spoiled - Carson would've gone ahead and dropped out already, if the Cruz campaign (and CNN) hadn't pointed out the likelihood.
According to the Tweets article, Carson dumped on Internet commenters?
No self-respecting Moron can ever be for Carson again.
Oh, okay, I see a report on Carson's press conf at #251. Nothingburger, really.
Vic: 102 Any word yet on Carson's presser?
I keep scanning the comments, 'cause if anything significant happens, it tends to be reported here first.
anti-socialist: I'm going to put aside a long standing grudge and watch the usually awful SNL, tonight.
jwpaine: ...I had to dig down through at least 5 pages of Google results of media pearl-clutching over Carson's "error" before I found that non-Carson link.
From what I know of the definitions, I also would argue that ol' Jug-ears is clinically a sociopathic Narcissist, not technically a psychopath.
votermom: "Ben Carson is a neurosurgeon. He's probably familiar with psychopaths."
"What would it take for you to be convinced that Ben Carson was the right man for the job?"
Morning, Glories!
Gowdy and I share a birthday! (That's what this moron got from the post.)
We all enjoyed the poppingcorn sounds of lefty heads when Dr Ben got up in the SCOAMF's biz at the prayer breakfast.
Now, to be fair, Dr Carlson was TFG's first choice, but Dr C demurred as he had to wash his hair that night.
Subjects: big government, Dr. Benjamin Carson, Impeach Obama
Subjects: climate, Dr. Benjamin Carson, heroes, IRS, Nancy Pelosi, Obamacare, Second Amendment, WW2
Subjects: abortion, Afghanistan, Benghazi, Boston Marathon 2013, Communism, Dr. Benjamin Carson, Impeach Obama, Iran, North Korea, Obamacare, Syria, US military, World Trade Center
Subjects: Allen West, Barack Obama, Big Nanny, Dr. Benjamin Carson, gun rights, Islam, news, North Korea, preparedness
Subjects: Allen West, Barack Obama, Dr. Benjamin Carson, Joe Biden, Puritans
Subjects: Ben Stein, Dr. Benjamin Carson, Gene Sperling, Impeach Obama, Judge Jeanine Pirro, Mitt Romney, Mount Rushmore, Ulysses S. Grant
Subjects: abortion, Allen West, Batman, Chicago, Dr. Benjamin Carson, drones, education, family, Greg Gutfeld, Jay Carney, Judge Jeanine Pirro, libertarianism, Michelle Obama, Texas
Subjects: debt, Dr. Benjamin Carson, Impeach Obama, Marco Rubio, Mexico, Rand Paul, Republicans and Democrats, Second Amendment, Stalin, Tea Party, Ted Cruz, Trifecta, tyranny, United States of America, water
There's just no point in talking about running Dr. Carson for President.
This nation is just not ready for a black man as President.
Subjects: accident, Benghazi, breakfast, communication, conspiracy, Disney, Dr. Benjamin Carson, education, Egypt, heroes, Hillary Clinton, Iran, Islam, modern police tactics, terrorism, Texas, unions, violence, water, welfare
halfway thru 300 comments here, reading bits to Mrs while Mrs reads me bits from Dr C's Wikipedia page. Fascinating way to learn about him. to think, I could instead be watching ...