growing up
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The idea of impeaching the SCOAMF is popping up more and more. -artisanal 'ette
I want kids growing up now to remember thinking "Impeach" was Obama's first name.
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Oct 31
Subjects: growing up, Halloween, Impeach Obama, Kathleen Sebelius, Obamacare, toys, Tulsa
Subjects: growing up, Halloween, Impeach Obama, Kathleen Sebelius, Obamacare, toys, Tulsa
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"One thing I've noted that's a common thread with all of them [polyamorous] is the clinical Peter Pan syndrome the participants suffer, and it gets especially bad when one of the participants start
Sources: TheNewYorkTimes, FOPmzL4q32vvmBTz8m6IiA, 7m9C1J8wVb7HugSlq_-hWw, BenghaziTruth, mittromney, TheYGNet, GOPrapidresponse, jackohoft, meredithdake, YAFTV, GOPICYMI, CrossroadsGPSPress, charliespiering, TheNRCC, documentaries2010
Video by Others added on 2012 Oct 26
Subjects: Allen West, Benghazi, Chris Christie, economy, Election 2012, foreign policy, growing up, Impeach Obama, Mitt Romney, Syria, terrorism
Subjects: Allen West, Benghazi, Chris Christie, economy, Election 2012, foreign policy, growing up, Impeach Obama, Mitt Romney, Syria, terrorism
Comments open
Babies grow up too fast. A simple reminder of simple days, like discovering you can find your foot.