Progressive energy policy under the leadership of the smarter than us elite.
There's a bird sanctuary not far from El Rancho Webworker, where they've done a lot toward increasing the eagle population. It's great to be out in the yard and see golden eagles.
...the carbon nanotubes act as antennas to capture light from the sun or other sources...
Sherry McEvil #187: ...Texas passed a law requiring at least 10% ethanol in all gasoline a few years ago.
Squeaking of "green energy projects" - here in Oklahoma, a company delivered gas that had an overabundance of corn oil ethanol, causing a big recall, lists of dozens of affected stations in
(Let me try this again, in the correct thread...)
• In 1939 the US Department of the Interior said that American oil supplies would last only another 13 years....
• In 1939 the US Department of the Interior said that American oil supplies would last only another 13 years....
Bruce w/aW: Gas in LA is still around 2.89999999/gal.
grammie winger: $1.24 here in SE Wisconsin.
Gas prices here in Oklahoma lowest in the nation, and continuing to drop.
Guess I'll buy one of those Land Yachts.
And one for the wife.
"The spotlight installation will include 124 spotlights, totaling over 7.5 million lumens the equivalent of 29,100 bulbs, and will be visible from high vantage points all around the city."
Windmill farms are where the Green movement eats its own tail.
"...natural gas industry: you're next on the Environmental Protection Agency's hit list...."
"...natural gas industry: you're next on the Environmental Protection Agency's hit list...."
Mindful webworker, in regard to your question, As long as 'meter' means 'monitor' rather than 'regulate,' no problem, I live in CA and they send you this detailed usage report telling you how you c
I got in the last word on smart meters in the last thread.
Smart meters which transmit the data which they used to send guys tramping into my yard to get? Benefits all around! Actually, I like chatting with our meter readers, but we're rural.
...chart of how just gasoline prices have increased:
— LoneStarHeeb
Artists to spend 10 days on 'human hamster wheel'...
Socks made with wind power??? I'm sure that not one watt of power being fed to the grid from those dirty anti-obama coal plants was used.
157 I can not believe that no-one has swiped this from Insty. ....
"NTSB rules that shipping oil on rail cars is an unacceptable risk."
Energy sources...
"This is old, but it's what I think of now every time I hear that." -HR
Insulate the attic.
Upgrade all the windows.
Replace that old, inefficient furnace.
Put in smart thermostats.
"...when was the last time Tina Brown shoveled anything?" -NC Ref
Low hanging fruit. I presume it's been hit.
"...feds issue a warning on oil from N. Dakota and Montana...."
It's just too darn oily! We didn't know it was oing to be, like, oil-oil!
Fracking? Fracking?
Don't you know Fracking causes Earthquakes!
((walks through, remarking randomly)
"Power outage plunges Venezuela into darkness" (Drudge)
How will she like riding a stationary bike for an hour a day to recharge her smartphone?
Posted by: fluffy
??? One of us, I deem, is unclear. Maybe 'you had to be there.'