Displaying 1 - 16 of 16
Sources: mrctvdotorg, patcondell, houseofsunny, WildBillForAmerica, nmaworldedition, StevenCrowder, encounterbooks, politicalturkey1, bowleywoman, jackohoft, mrcolionnoir, sensitiveskintv
Video by Others added on 2013 Jul 26
Subjects: George Zimmerman, Harry Reid, preparedness, self-defense, Tea Party, US Constitution
Subjects: George Zimmerman, Harry Reid, preparedness, self-defense, Tea Party, US Constitution
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Sources: thejudgechannel, who2tv, AmericanCrossroads, StevenCrowder, hillsdalecollege, GOPrapidresponse, NewsBusted, NRAVideos, mrcolionnoir, PajamasMedia, rnc, InstituteForJustice, themrsuslov, ReasonTV, WildBillForAmerica, CFPEcon101, jacksonforlg, catoinstitutevideo, RightSightings
Video by Others added on 2013 Jul 2
Subjects: Anthony Weiner, Benghazi, border security, Boston Marathon 2013, civility, Declaration of Independence, Eric Holder, George Zimmerman, Hillary Clinton, Libya, Nancy Pelosi, news, Sarah Palin, self-defense
Subjects: Anthony Weiner, Benghazi, border security, Boston Marathon 2013, civility, Declaration of Independence, Eric Holder, George Zimmerman, Hillary Clinton, Libya, Nancy Pelosi, news, Sarah Palin, self-defense
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Sources: mindfulwebworker, WildBillForAmerica, RqQOtXHt3Egc7-5em5p0rg, StevenCrowder, michaelsavage4prez, BirtherReportDotCom, renesalazar35, ReasonTV, encounterbooks, paper000000, wolfmanwill, thingsihavebcome, thecount, TokenLibertarianGirl, CFPEcon101, yoyobags, libertynewsmedia, quaker34667
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Jun 17
Subjects: Benghazi, Big Brother, big government, Breitbart Lives, Communism, FBI, Impeach Obama, Superman, Tea Party
Subjects: Benghazi, Big Brother, big government, Breitbart Lives, Communism, FBI, Impeach Obama, Superman, Tea Party
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Sources: GOPrapidresponse, StevenCrowder, NewsBusted, PajamasMedia, ReaganFoundation, UETVNews, TexasMilitaryForces, WildBillForAmerica, rnc, LaughingAtLiberals, mrcolionnoir, IOTW2009, NRAVideos, xdm45acp, RightSightings, RepJimBridenstine, thepatriotnurse, joegerarden, politicalturkey, charliespiering, TwitchyVideo
Video by Others added on 2013 Jun 6
Subjects: Allen West, Benghazi, Big Brother, Chris Christie, climate, Eric Holder, history, honor, Maxine Waters, Normandy, Ted Cruz, Trey Gowdy
Subjects: Allen West, Benghazi, Big Brother, Chris Christie, climate, Eric Holder, history, honor, Maxine Waters, Normandy, Ted Cruz, Trey Gowdy
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Sources: mindfulwebworker, patcondell, ReasonTV, NewsBusted, wsukeeper30, StevenCrowder, WildBillForAmerica, IOTW2009, mrcolionnoir, PajamasMedia, FuckingSoon, JewishNewsOne, GOPrapidresponse, thepatriotnurse, GOPICYMI
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 May 20
Subjects: abortion, accident, Alfonzo Rachel, Benghazi, gun rights, IRS, Michelle Obama, Oklahoma, organized religion, religion, singing, Tea Party, tornadoes, Trifecta
Subjects: abortion, accident, Alfonzo Rachel, Benghazi, gun rights, IRS, Michelle Obama, Oklahoma, organized religion, religion, singing, Tea Party, tornadoes, Trifecta
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Sources: AmericanCrossroads, PajamasMedia, StevenCrowder, JewishNewsOne, RightSightings, GOPICYMI, GOPrapidresponse, ReasonTV
Video by Others added on 2013 May 10
Subjects: Benghazi, Bill Whittle Afterburner, Hillary Clinton, IRS, Jay Carney, kidnapping, Michelle Malkin, War in the Middle East
Subjects: Benghazi, Bill Whittle Afterburner, Hillary Clinton, IRS, Jay Carney, kidnapping, Michelle Malkin, War in the Middle East
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Sources: mindfulwebworker, bombscared, JewishNewsOne, GOPICYMI, PajamasMedia, StevenCrowder, statement3
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 May 3
Subjects: abortion, Afghanistan, Benghazi, Boston Marathon 2013, Communism, Dr. Benjamin Carson, Impeach Obama, Iran, North Korea, Obamacare, Syria, US military, World Trade Center
Subjects: abortion, Afghanistan, Benghazi, Boston Marathon 2013, Communism, Dr. Benjamin Carson, Impeach Obama, Iran, North Korea, Obamacare, Syria, US military, World Trade Center
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Sources: StevenCrowder, NewsBusted, Whateverhappentocomm, JewishNewsOne, kolomaire, maxmontrose
Video, Video by Others added on 2012 Dec 11
Subjects: birth certificate, Colorado, Impeach Obama, Iran, Jesus, marijuana, Michelle Obama, Obamacare, Rush Limbaugh, sex, stoned, unions, US military
Subjects: birth certificate, Colorado, Impeach Obama, Iran, Jesus, marijuana, Michelle Obama, Obamacare, Rush Limbaugh, sex, stoned, unions, US military
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Sources: PajamasMedia, WildBillForAmerica, ReasonTV, RightSightings, StevenCrowder, thepatriotnurse, NewsBusted, GOPrapidresponse, Whateverhappentocomm, JewishNewsOne, SpaceRip
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Video, Video by Others added on 2012 Nov 26
Subjects: China, economy, education, Egypt, John McCain, marijuana, Valerie Jarrett, welfare
Subjects: China, economy, education, Egypt, John McCain, marijuana, Valerie Jarrett, welfare
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Sources: JewishNewsOne, StevenCrowder, ReasonTV, TheNewYorkTimes, RightSightings, WildBillForAmerica, InstituteForJustice, Whateverhappentocomm, thepatriotnurse, NewsBusted, gregalabama
Video by Others added on 2012 Nov 15
Subjects: Benghazi, Chicago, defense, education, family, Greg Gutfeld, health, Impeach Obama, Israel, jihad, liberty, medical marijuana, Michelle Malkin, Netanyahu, Obamacare, Oklahoma, PETA, police, Ron Paul, Sharia, Susan Rice, terror, United States of America, War in the Middle East
Subjects: Benghazi, Chicago, defense, education, family, Greg Gutfeld, health, Impeach Obama, Israel, jihad, liberty, medical marijuana, Michelle Malkin, Netanyahu, Obamacare, Oklahoma, PETA, police, Ron Paul, Sharia, Susan Rice, terror, United States of America, War in the Middle East
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Sources: PajamasMedia, StevenCrowder, Whateverhappentocomm, RightSightings, ReasonTV, IOTW2009
Video, Video by Others added on 2012 Nov 12
Subjects: Afghanistan, Allen West, Barack Obama, Benghazi, Colorado, Election 2012, food, Greg Gutfeld, Impeach Obama, jihad, marijuana, marriage, Obamacare, Petraeus, racism
Subjects: Afghanistan, Allen West, Barack Obama, Benghazi, Colorado, Election 2012, food, Greg Gutfeld, Impeach Obama, jihad, marijuana, marriage, Obamacare, Petraeus, racism
Comments open
Sources: Listitude, TokenLibertarianGirl, StevenCrowder, somethingfishietx, pplholdthepower, JaclynGlenn, blizzaire08, NativeeBaby, _PD9x0GjPaAL2Sc3imdo1w, TheDefineLiberty, repubgrlprobs, DevinandErica, Win4Romneyin2012, 332xjxT8P_pER_RKKa5AwQ, ramzpaul, youtube, CandyVynWak1, kristenq, greatadsforsale, Myndflame, davedubya, crazybubbacom, XxBurningLegionxX, adRCKNi4gB-ETdGBwtUo_w, thetruthisoutthere32, chrisbarrett, ConorVideo, BladeEdge86, TheLDG1981, YouLearnedItHere, albrightjamesd
Video by Others added on 2012 Nov 1
Subjects: abortion, birth control, democracy, Election 2012, Impeach Obama, irony, parody, satire, sex, US President
Subjects: abortion, birth control, democracy, Election 2012, Impeach Obama, irony, parody, satire, sex, US President
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Sources: AllenCarter21, WashingtonFreeBeacon, mittromney, StevenCrowder, PajamasMedia, RestoreOurFuture, rnc, ryan4congress, ChrisChaney15, WomenUnitedPac, PSHAMI, jackohoft, TideLaundry, SpecialOpsSpeaks, charliespiering, thevisualedge, FgBTu_PZidFKkoSD54DJCw, madisonmcqueen
Video by Others added on 2012 Nov 1
Subjects: abortion, Alfonzo Rachel, Andrew Klavan, Benghazi, Bill Clinton, Clint Eastwood, Election 2012, Impeach Obama, Joe Biden, Mia Love, Mitt Romney, Paul Harvey
Subjects: abortion, Alfonzo Rachel, Andrew Klavan, Benghazi, Bill Clinton, Clint Eastwood, Election 2012, Impeach Obama, Joe Biden, Mia Love, Mitt Romney, Paul Harvey
Comments open
Sources: jackohoft, newspoliticsnow2, ESactionfund, thomaspaine3, cnn, GOPICYMI, dentonexable, mastadonarmy, theobamadoctrine, RightChange, polititick, 8gxWfcyLNIlyt8BD7p2BUg, allpatriotsmedia, StevenCrowder
Video by Others added on 2012 Oct 16
Subjects: Charles Krauthammer, education, Election 2012, foreign policy, heroes, Islam, Joe Biden, Michelle Malkin, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Ronald Reagan, Tea Party
Subjects: Charles Krauthammer, education, Election 2012, foreign policy, heroes, Islam, Joe Biden, Michelle Malkin, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Ronald Reagan, Tea Party
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