Seeking holy rescue from financial self-destruction. Need a hand or a handout? Good luck.
From Vocative c/o BlazingCatFur:
Religion joke dept., punchlines only:
"They think they're the only ones here!"
This is for the whole thread:
...they simply refuse to acknowledge Cruz
Subjects: Election 2016, religion, Ted Cruz, US Constitution
We moved the family from Chicago to Oklahoma with some thoughts of better surviving the possible coming collapse.
All the things I had in mind to prepare? Unrealized.
Hrothgar: I understand the point, but I note that Trump is not the Pope when he makes such comments, nor does Trump have status in any theological hierarchy.
I'll say this for the commie Pope - he's a real miracle worker!
I want everyone to think about how much the ROP people cost the world.
Some fewd for thot:
...In a 7-2 opinion the Supreme Court found the placement of the monument on the grounds of the state Capitol violate Article 2, Section 5, of the Oklahoma Constitution which prohibits the use o
Me: Supreme Court rules that Hooters must hire fat, ugly, transgender men dressed in sackcloth. Effectively.
SH: The supreme court ruled in no such way.
Didn't see Vic or Ben cover this one. I think the potential future impact is greater than it might seem at first.
When theological questions arise in Ace comments, I'm tempted to jump in and set everybody right, since I know it all. But, it wouldn't do any good. Folks would just argue with me, anyway.
"If you take away religion, you can’t hire enough police."
Good morning, mindful webworker. Thank you for your thoughts on our loving Creator.
Science studies the material universe using our external senses.
Religion studies the spiritual universe using our internal guides.
Nice work, Pete. Liked the top one. My momma always said, God helps those who help themselves. I’m thinking maybe she didn’t mean like that, though.
Court presses atheist group to explain why artifact is 'offensive' -FenelonSpoke
Thanks. Cartooning positive religious humor - and actually good humor - no easy task!
"...however, this field is not the place for religion," wrote program director Adrienne Dougherty.
I think it better to pray for them than to beat them up.
"...they could not prevail since it appeared that the NYPD targeted individuals on account of terrorism prevention, not on account of their religion...."
"North Carolina's anti-abortion license plate is unconstitutional because the state doesn't provide the same forum for motorists on the other side of the contentious issue...."
Two impressions, somewhat contradictilory, but strong, I recall. One was, oh, now I understand why people have been so excited about him for centuries! and How come nobody ever told me about this!
Bob Newhart on the the phone with St. Peter
Excellent. I definitely heard it in Bob's halting on-the-phone shtick voice.
The latest attack on religion is not from the atheists. Satan worshipers are getting into the act now.
"...has ordered a Christian baker to make cakes for same sex marriages..."
"...the Left... never let up, never take a day off. -soothsayer
their self-esteem greatly outpaced their level of competency.... -Ace
Subjects: civilization, Golden Rule, government, reason, religion, tolerance, tyranny
mama winger at October 31, 2013 08:27 AM
Martin Luther - that depiction made my Mrs lol!