Displaying 1 - 20 of 20
Ace is up. I must move on.
We'll meet again,
if the world's not gone.
A good time to hightail it out of the doomed city.
Gov-osis: the obsessive desire to bring government into anything. Once you become aware of the evidence of this disorder, the ubiquity of the epidemic becomes clear.
Sources: Numberphile, JPLnews, Vsauce, mindfulwebworker, minuteearth, SciShow, MinutePhysics, Vsauce2, SpaceRip, youtube, PeriodicVideos, JewishNewsOne, TEDtalksDirector
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 May 30
Subjects: alien, asteroid, cancer, chemistry, climate, cosmology, dark humor, dogs, earth, hallucinogens, mind, nostalgia, numbers, ocean, snakes, wooly mammoths
Subjects: alien, asteroid, cancer, chemistry, climate, cosmology, dark humor, dogs, earth, hallucinogens, mind, nostalgia, numbers, ocean, snakes, wooly mammoths
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Sources: MinutePhysics, Numberphile, SciShow, Vsauce2, mindfulwebworker, SpaceRip, JPLnews, tdarnell, best0fscience, RightSightings, destinws2, vsauce3, TEDtalksDirector
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Feb 26
Subjects: aging, Al Gore, asteroid, astronauts, bacon, climate, cosmology, dark matter, dolphins, human migration, John Steinbeck, Mexico, mosquitoes, numbers, robot, science, shark
Subjects: aging, Al Gore, asteroid, astronauts, bacon, climate, cosmology, dark matter, dolphins, human migration, John Steinbeck, Mexico, mosquitoes, numbers, robot, science, shark
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Sources: WildBillForAmerica, PajamasMedia, RightSightings, Whateverhappentocomm, NewsBusted, IOTW2009, GOPICYMI, RevealPolitics, amagilly, catoinstitutevideo, ReasonTV, thealexjoneschannel
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Feb 20
Subjects: alcohol, asteroid, economics, gun rights, Marco Rubio, marijuana, Milton Friedman, prohibition, self-defense, Tea Party, Trifecta, trolls
Subjects: alcohol, asteroid, economics, gun rights, Marco Rubio, marijuana, Milton Friedman, prohibition, self-defense, Tea Party, Trifecta, trolls
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Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Feb 16
Subjects: Alfonzo Rachel, asteroid, China, climate, government, gun rights, Impeach Obama, Internet, Islam, meteor, Osama bin Laden, violence, WW2
Subjects: Alfonzo Rachel, asteroid, China, climate, government, gun rights, Impeach Obama, Internet, Islam, meteor, Osama bin Laden, violence, WW2
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you know in movies when it seems like the worst is over and everybody goes, "whew!" and then the 2nd wave hits/ monster revives/ killer returns?
Sources: SciShow, cmarieleonard, theonion, destinws2, SpaceRip, JewishNewsOne, JPLnews, chrispbaconpig, THEWIERDNEWSCHANNEL, TornadoVideosdotnet, heyuitslauren
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Sources: ctrlag, RussiaToday, paladinmgn, oldervsyounger, SciShow, JPLnews, TheBadAstronomer
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Sources: limpnjen, wh1pst1ckag0st0p, mindfulwebworker, theonion, Vsauce2, cyriak, oxfOf-mMUiRIFM5A7BWY6Q, jetmanofficial, SciShow, JewishNewsOne
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Feb 8
Subjects: asteroid, brain, breakfast, broken heart, Fifth Element, horses, humor, lion, Mars, music video
Subjects: asteroid, brain, breakfast, broken heart, Fifth Element, horses, humor, lion, Mars, music video
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Sources: theonion, JennaMarbles, collegehumor, exmorediting, movieclipsTRAILERS, argidrak, JPLnews, SpaceRip, SciShow, Numberphile, MinutePhysics, JewishNewsOne
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Feb 6
Subjects: asteroid, banana, breakfast, cheetah, comics, cosmology, Ella Fitzgerald, first contact, food, gun rights, history, Holocaust, humor, Jewish, Memorial Day, moon, mutation, numbers, Second Amendment, snakes, sports, Star Trek, terror, threat, WW2, XKCD
Subjects: asteroid, banana, breakfast, cheetah, comics, cosmology, Ella Fitzgerald, first contact, food, gun rights, history, Holocaust, humor, Jewish, Memorial Day, moon, mutation, numbers, Second Amendment, snakes, sports, Star Trek, terror, threat, WW2, XKCD
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"Scifi tv shows and movies always show spaceships coming here and approaching Earth in the plane of its orbit and always with North on top."
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Feb 4
Subjects: alcohol, asteroid, Cleopatra, education, family, Forever Alone, fruit, healing, irony, moon, perception, William Shakespeare
Subjects: alcohol, asteroid, Cleopatra, education, family, Forever Alone, fruit, healing, irony, moon, perception, William Shakespeare
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Sources: theonion, collegehumor, JPLnews, Vsauce, Numberphile, 1OneMinuteNews, SciShow
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Sources: JennaMarbles, Vsauce2, theonion, HISHEdotcom, SciShow, SpaceRip, collegehumor, msmedic2582, dianagomesdasilva1, JPLnews
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Sources: theonion, JewishNewsOne, Vsauce2, collegehumor, thealexjoneschannel, SpaceRip, youtube
Video, Video by Others added on 2012 Dec 19
Subjects: asteroid, cosmology, earthquake, flying car, humor, lion, moon, NASA, prosthetics, robot, science
Subjects: asteroid, cosmology, earthquake, flying car, humor, lion, moon, NASA, prosthetics, robot, science
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Sources: SciShow, TheSlowMoGuys, JennaMarbles, collegehumor, theonion, MinutePhysics, SpaceRip, kenjiishida011, JPLnews, JewishNewsOne, Numberphile
Video, Video by Others added on 2012 Dec 15
Subjects: animals, Asteroid Toutatis, cosmology, echidna, Hobbits, humor, Mars, Mayan, moon, moon landing, NASA, robot, science, solar system, Tau v Pi, women
Subjects: animals, Asteroid Toutatis, cosmology, echidna, Hobbits, humor, Mars, Mayan, moon, moon landing, NASA, robot, science, solar system, Tau v Pi, women
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Sources: PajamasMedia, thealexjoneschannel, NewsBusted, IOTW2009, ReasonTV, WildBillForAmerica, thepatriotnurse, JewishNewsOne
Video, Video by Others added on 2012 Dec 15
Subjects: alcohol, animals, Asteroid Toutatis, Chicago, China, Christmas, Colorado, cosmology, echidna, Egypt, family, George Zimmerman, Hobbits, humor, Israel, Jesse Jackson, justice, Mars, Mayan, moon landing, Obamacare, robot, science, Sharia, Susan Rice, Syria, Tau v Pi, Trifecta, US Senate
Subjects: alcohol, animals, Asteroid Toutatis, Chicago, China, Christmas, Colorado, cosmology, echidna, Egypt, family, George Zimmerman, Hobbits, humor, Israel, Jesse Jackson, justice, Mars, Mayan, moon landing, Obamacare, robot, science, Sharia, Susan Rice, Syria, Tau v Pi, Trifecta, US Senate
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Sources: collegehumor, youtube, buzzfeedvideo, fatawesomefilms, SciShow, SpaceRip
Video, Video by Others added on 2012 Dec 3
Subjects: alien, Arnold Schwarzenegger, asteroid, cats, China, Christianity, climate, cosmology, dogs, dumb stunts, earth, Egypt, energy, future, history, manliness, perspective, telescope, universe, vehicle theft, WW2
Subjects: alien, Arnold Schwarzenegger, asteroid, cats, China, Christianity, climate, cosmology, dogs, dumb stunts, earth, Egypt, energy, future, history, manliness, perspective, telescope, universe, vehicle theft, WW2
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