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RKae: ...should have just let the gorilla raise the baby....
Might've done a better job than the mom who let the baby slip away.
"A gregarious male gorilla at the Dallas Zoo will be sent to South Carolina for therapy after he bit one female gorilla and sneered at others..."
Sources: Vsauce, SciShow, MinutePhysics, futsang, mindfulwebworker, timwiterby, Numberphile, JPLnews, SpaceRip, FarFromDanK
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Feb 17
Subjects: alien, carbon dioxide, chemistry, cosmic rays, cosmology, earth, gorilla, Mars, NASA, numbers, perception, science, Tom Lehrer, universe
Subjects: alien, carbon dioxide, chemistry, cosmic rays, cosmology, earth, gorilla, Mars, NASA, numbers, perception, science, Tom Lehrer, universe
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Sources: JennaMarbles, Vsauce2, theonion, HISHEdotcom, SciShow, SpaceRip, collegehumor, msmedic2582, dianagomesdasilva1, JPLnews
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Sources: theonion, collegehumor, JennaMarbles, JPLnews, Vsauce, Numberphile, SciShow, Vsauce2, SpaceRip
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