moon landing
Displaying 1 - 5 of 5
Sources: dhspriory, AboveAverageNetwork, theonion, MagicofRahat, soulpancake, Saberspark, klaatu42, Numberphile, SciShow, MrCharliesView, ViralMedia2013, n24our, rsa008, N0b0dyEl5e, gabberbaby69, spillcom
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Jan 29
Subjects: achievement, Betty Boop, bronies, cats, computers, Disney, dogs, dolphins, extraterrestrial, humor, Mars, moon, moon landing, NASA, New World, ocean, pandas, prank, Santa Claus, time-space
Subjects: achievement, Betty Boop, bronies, cats, computers, Disney, dogs, dolphins, extraterrestrial, humor, Mars, moon, moon landing, NASA, New World, ocean, pandas, prank, Santa Claus, time-space
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Sources: SciShow, TheSlowMoGuys, JennaMarbles, collegehumor, theonion, MinutePhysics, SpaceRip, kenjiishida011, JPLnews, JewishNewsOne, Numberphile
Video, Video by Others added on 2012 Dec 15
Subjects: animals, Asteroid Toutatis, cosmology, echidna, Hobbits, humor, Mars, Mayan, moon, moon landing, NASA, robot, science, solar system, Tau v Pi, women
Subjects: animals, Asteroid Toutatis, cosmology, echidna, Hobbits, humor, Mars, Mayan, moon, moon landing, NASA, robot, science, solar system, Tau v Pi, women
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Sources: PajamasMedia, thealexjoneschannel, NewsBusted, IOTW2009, ReasonTV, WildBillForAmerica, thepatriotnurse, JewishNewsOne
Video, Video by Others added on 2012 Dec 15
Subjects: alcohol, animals, Asteroid Toutatis, Chicago, China, Christmas, Colorado, cosmology, echidna, Egypt, family, George Zimmerman, Hobbits, humor, Israel, Jesse Jackson, justice, Mars, Mayan, moon landing, Obamacare, robot, science, Sharia, Susan Rice, Syria, Tau v Pi, Trifecta, US Senate
Subjects: alcohol, animals, Asteroid Toutatis, Chicago, China, Christmas, Colorado, cosmology, echidna, Egypt, family, George Zimmerman, Hobbits, humor, Israel, Jesse Jackson, justice, Mars, Mayan, moon landing, Obamacare, robot, science, Sharia, Susan Rice, Syria, Tau v Pi, Trifecta, US Senate
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After Challenger and Columbia, I'm quite glad we didn't "end with a bang."
Read all… ‖ Subjects: added on 2011 Jul 21
Subjects: space exploration, NASA, moon landing, astronauts, science, heroes
Subjects: space exploration, NASA, moon landing, astronauts, science, heroes
Nearly seventeen years old and watched it alone. Then, like so many others, went out to gaze at the moon and marveled.
Read all… ‖ Subjects: added on 2011 Jul 21
Subjects: space exploration, moon landing, NASA, astronauts, science, heroes
Subjects: space exploration, moon landing, NASA, astronauts, science, heroes