Displaying 1 - 17 of 17
Sources: sdisclosure, johndoherty2012, MinutePhysics, Vsauce2, SciShow, SpaceRip, JPLnews
Video by Others added on 2013 Sep 23
Subjects: history, Life, lightning, Mars, solar system, space exploration
Subjects: history, Life, lightning, Mars, solar system, space exploration
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Sources: JPLnews, Vsauce, SciShow, minuteearth, mindfulwebworker, SpaceRip, MinutePhysics, PeriodicVideos, Vsauce2
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Sources: Numberphile, JPLnews, Vsauce, mindfulwebworker, minuteearth, SciShow, MinutePhysics, Vsauce2, SpaceRip, youtube, PeriodicVideos, JewishNewsOne, TEDtalksDirector
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 May 30
Subjects: alien, asteroid, cancer, chemistry, climate, cosmology, dark humor, dogs, earth, hallucinogens, mind, nostalgia, numbers, ocean, snakes, wooly mammoths
Subjects: alien, asteroid, cancer, chemistry, climate, cosmology, dark humor, dogs, earth, hallucinogens, mind, nostalgia, numbers, ocean, snakes, wooly mammoths
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Sources: destinws2, SciShow, HeadsqueezeTV, SpaceRip, JPLnews, MinutePhysics, minuteearth, PeriodicVideos, Numberphile
Video by Others added on 2013 May 9
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Sources: MinutePhysics, minuteearth, SciShow, Vsauce2, mindfulwebworker, crashcourse, SpaceRip, HeadsqueezeTV, Numberphile
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Apr 11
Subjects: alcohol, chemistry, cosmology, earth, history, Life, parallel universes, science
Subjects: alcohol, chemistry, cosmology, earth, history, Life, parallel universes, science
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Sources: HeadsqueezeTV, Numberphile, SciShow, Vsauce, MinutePhysics, SpaceRip, JPLnews, JewishNewsOne, PeriodicVideos, ReasonTV
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Apr 6
Subjects: cats, cells, chemistry, cosmology, dark matter, education, energy, mind, numbers, parallel universes, puzzle, robot, science, sleep, space exploration
Subjects: cats, cells, chemistry, cosmology, dark matter, education, energy, mind, numbers, parallel universes, puzzle, robot, science, sleep, space exploration
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Sources: HeadsqueezeTV, minuteearth, MinutePhysics, SciShow, Numberphile, Vsauce, Vsauce2, SpaceRip, ReasonTV
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Sources: MinutePhysics, Numberphile, SciShow, Vsauce2, mindfulwebworker, SpaceRip, JPLnews, tdarnell, best0fscience, RightSightings, destinws2, vsauce3, TEDtalksDirector
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Feb 26
Subjects: aging, Al Gore, asteroid, astronauts, bacon, climate, cosmology, dark matter, dolphins, human migration, John Steinbeck, Mexico, mosquitoes, numbers, robot, science, shark
Subjects: aging, Al Gore, asteroid, astronauts, bacon, climate, cosmology, dark matter, dolphins, human migration, John Steinbeck, Mexico, mosquitoes, numbers, robot, science, shark
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Sources: Vsauce, SciShow, MinutePhysics, futsang, mindfulwebworker, timwiterby, Numberphile, JPLnews, SpaceRip, FarFromDanK
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Feb 17
Subjects: alien, carbon dioxide, chemistry, cosmic rays, cosmology, earth, gorilla, Mars, NASA, numbers, perception, science, Tom Lehrer, universe
Subjects: alien, carbon dioxide, chemistry, cosmic rays, cosmology, earth, gorilla, Mars, NASA, numbers, perception, science, Tom Lehrer, universe
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Sources: theonion, JennaMarbles, collegehumor, exmorediting, movieclipsTRAILERS, argidrak, JPLnews, SpaceRip, SciShow, Numberphile, MinutePhysics, JewishNewsOne
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Feb 6
Subjects: asteroid, banana, breakfast, cheetah, comics, cosmology, Ella Fitzgerald, first contact, food, gun rights, history, Holocaust, humor, Jewish, Memorial Day, moon, mutation, numbers, Second Amendment, snakes, sports, Star Trek, terror, threat, WW2, XKCD
Subjects: asteroid, banana, breakfast, cheetah, comics, cosmology, Ella Fitzgerald, first contact, food, gun rights, history, Holocaust, humor, Jewish, Memorial Day, moon, mutation, numbers, Second Amendment, snakes, sports, Star Trek, terror, threat, WW2, XKCD
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Sources: collegehumor, theonion, BadLipReading, thebobjohnson1984, JewishNewsOne, MinutePhysics, vsauce3, SciShow, Numberphile, dkoska
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Sources: danisnotonfire, collegehumor, theonion, JennaMarbles, AnnaAkana, itsjustsomerandomguy, JPLnews, Vsauce2, MinutePhysics, SciShow, Vsauce
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Jan 4
Subjects: basketball, cosmology, dark humor, food, irony, Mars, moon, pizza, science, solar system, Superman
Subjects: basketball, cosmology, dark humor, food, irony, Mars, moon, pizza, science, solar system, Superman
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Sources: itsjustsomerandomguy, theonion, JennaMarbles, HenriLeChatNoir, JewishNewsOne, DaveyCourtCrew, Vsauce2, MinutePhysics, SciShow
Video, Video by Others added on 2012 Dec 29
Subjects: Batman, beer, Captain America, cats, Christmas, dark matter, earth, Gerry Anderson, humor, Iron Man, marionation, New World, science, superheroes and supervillains, Superman, universe
Subjects: Batman, beer, Captain America, cats, Christmas, dark matter, earth, Gerry Anderson, humor, Iron Man, marionation, New World, science, superheroes and supervillains, Superman, universe
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Sources: HISHEdotcom, JennaMarbles, danisnotonfire, itsjustsomerandomguy, JewishNewsOne, collegehumor, Whateverhappentocomm, MinutePhysics, JPLnews, SciShow
Video, Video by Others added on 2012 Dec 21
Subjects: bears, Christmas, climate, golden eagle, Hanukkah, humor, ice cream, Jerusalem, knock knock, madness, Mars, polar bears, providence, Superman, traffic cop, yoga
Subjects: bears, Christmas, climate, golden eagle, Hanukkah, humor, ice cream, Jerusalem, knock knock, madness, Mars, polar bears, providence, Superman, traffic cop, yoga
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Sources: SciShow, TheSlowMoGuys, JennaMarbles, collegehumor, theonion, MinutePhysics, SpaceRip, kenjiishida011, JPLnews, JewishNewsOne, Numberphile
Video, Video by Others added on 2012 Dec 15
Subjects: animals, Asteroid Toutatis, cosmology, echidna, Hobbits, humor, Mars, Mayan, moon, moon landing, NASA, robot, science, solar system, Tau v Pi, women
Subjects: animals, Asteroid Toutatis, cosmology, echidna, Hobbits, humor, Mars, Mayan, moon, moon landing, NASA, robot, science, solar system, Tau v Pi, women
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Sources: danisnotonfire, BadLipReading, buzzfeedvideo, JewishNewsOne, collegehumor, SpaceRip, Numberphile, MinutePhysics, AnnaAkana
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