Joe stuck his hand out. Who was he shaking hands with?
In memory of a mighty hunter, genuine Godsend, and faithful friend, a dear feline gone too soon.
Male and Female He created them, and they will forever be incomprehensible to one another. Cats Charlie and Ony demonstrate.
Call of the wild and tame
Defending the homefront from unwelcome invaders
Those three blind mice better watch out! Tales of our pets.
Apocalyptic Equines of 2018, Democrat special edition.
Subjects: horses, disastrophe, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders, Maxine Waters, Cory Booker
Just got back from a week on the road. All three cats delighted to see us.
Larson's Far Side art style is evident in two if not all three of the other cartoons. Piraro mostly has his own style, but his humor is much like Larson.
Sometimes you're the poacher.
Sometimes you're the poachee.
Never change, Ludwig!
"allowing him to express himself with body language and facial expressions"
That's twice as cute as I remembered it.
Bird funnies!
Ace of Spades blog's Wednesday morning art post had a painting with a parrot in it, inspiring much avian discussion.
As one of our cats came meowering around the breakfast table, I said to Milady, you really need to check out Bluebird today - Caturday.
Heh. Deer snowplows.
"They’re a million times cuter than the plastic-looking flats ones we have at home"
I kept trying to figure out what this meant, flat plastic-looking cats or dogs or... what?
Started my online day with a peek at Bluebird’s, and I’m glad I did!
Another great collection, BoB. Some new to me, and a couple of classics, like the cat caught on the venetian blinds. How long has that been floating around the web, I wonderz?
egorr says: I spied a pushme-pullyou!
My thought, also. Several look like those poor mutant animals that grow two heads. But, cute.
That cartoon of the kitteh at the pearly gates?
True little-known theological fact: Pets have their own entrance to the afterlife. Instead of St Peter, it's manned by… St Bernard.
When the kitty climbs on top of the pooch, I imagine her as a lion on a zebra in spirit - but thinking, like the dog that caught the car, now what do I do with it?
Milady and I just watched the little girl with her new kitten. Kleenex alert indeed. Funny how we show happy sometimes, isn't it!
I'm going to guess that every one of these cute little pictures would be correctly captioned as "before"!!
I once had a small fly buzz into my ear, but I wasn't sure I ever heard it leave.
Years later, I dug a chunk of wax out of that ear, and there's some odd black something in it.
Another hilarious Caturday collection, BoB.
Would your teacher believe you if your excuse was, "The cat ate my thesis"?
Bluebird is still gone? I don't think I can handle the withdrawals. How 'bout you? Here's some "while the bluebird's away" tide-me-overs.
Meh. Easy Peasy. Er... Once I enlarged it and scanned thoroughly.
bob - this post is one of your masterpieces.
*insert applause & laughter audio*
#Kitteh Gifts
Milady and I, and Dog, spent Thursday night down at my Mom's, and Daughter took care of the felines.
#Rural Life