
Webworks and Offsite Comments,
relating to the subject of


Displaying 1 - 30 of 47
Biden with Ice Cream Cone
Radical Incline

An experiment in reviving the heap o'links. Just random links, mostly political,

Comments open

* reads Pete's family stuff, saves the rest for later *


Read all… Subjects: added on 2017 Jun 13
Subjects: sportsmanship

Captain Whitebread #450: on second thought, maybe not. Having doubts lately that I'm even boyfriend material.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2017 May 28
Subjects: Cubs, family, relationships

At least with those neon-lime outfits, they won't be easy to lose in the snow.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2017 Jan 7
Subjects: sports

Prof Brown, 1987: "So tell me, future boy, who's President in 2017?

Marty, smugly: "Donald Trump!"

Read all… Subjects: added on 2016 Nov 9
Subjects: Back to the Future, Cubs, Donald Trump

Anon a mouse: ...Did you see the dress that she wore at the golf tournament? OMG!!...

Well, it was cute how she had to keep tugging it down.


Read all… Subjects: added on 2016 Jun 21
Subjects: golf

I'm pretty sure all we need to do to make football socially acceptable and politically correct is to have mixed-gender teams... and make it all non-contact.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2016 Jun 7
Subjects: Progressives Playbook, sports

I will never forget.

Dad put on the radio for the big fight.

Went into the kitchen to fix himself a drink.

By the time he got back, it was already over.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2016 Jun 4
Subjects: sports

Locker rooms are bad enough when you're just a bunch of heteros of the same sex. Don't drop the soap jokes and all that.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2016 May 14
Subjects: childhood memories, education, sports

Say, I heard there was some sort of athletic contest today. Anybody know anything about that? Possibly cricket or curling.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2016 Feb 8
Subjects: aloha, poetry, sports

MP4: ...hawt girls in scanty attire playing basketball...

Read all… Subjects: added on 2015 Dec 30
Subjects: attire, basketball, black and white

Carol: Nood. Football.

Well, she's not nude. But she certainly seems flexible.

Have a day, y'all.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2015 Nov 21
Subjects: sports

Bitter Clinger: ...Crowds get upset when everything's over before they even sit down...

I'll always remember...

Read all… Subjects: added on 2015 Aug 4
Subjects: sports

artisanal 'ette: "I'm watching soccer. I'm good. I actually really do like the sport. I know everyone here at Ace does not, but it's fun to watch."

Read all… Subjects: added on 2015 Jan 31
Subjects: childhood memories, soccer

"Real" life hasn't left me a lot of time for webworking (a/k/a webplaying) lately, but I managed to do this ICYMI:

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 Aug 25
Subjects: golf, Impeach Obama, marijuana, parody

a midget Velcro-strapped to each leg like shin pad..

I want to see this animated by the folks who did the gazillion cars bouncing along.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 Jun 16
Subjects: soccer

"Soccer is great when the kiddos are little. It's funny as hell."

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 Jun 16
Subjects: childhood memories, soccer

re: S. Muldoon at June 01, 2014 09:28 AM (NeFrd)

(Guess the instructions "use in a sentence" were a bit loose.)

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 Jun 1
Subjects: puns, sportsmanship

btw, from the ONT, 'cause I thought it bore repeating, one of the tied winners of the Natl Spelling Bee:

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 Jun 1
Subjects: sportsmanship

"You know, the law of averages says
Anything will happen that can
But the last time the Cubs took the pennant
Was the year we dropped the Bomb On Japan...."

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 Mar 26
Subjects: Cubs, Steve Goodman

At the end of the morning thread, Chilling the most suggested helmets would benefit from studying woodpecker skull construction.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 Mar 3
Subjects: nature, sports

"next winter games...Tulsa..."

Da, y'all. Iz modern Americanski city, Comrade. Toilets accept paper!

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 Feb 8
Subjects: sports, Tulsa, Winter

'bobsled runs'. by: Seamus Muldoon

:: involuntary chuckling aloud ::

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 Feb 5
Subjects: sports

"Looks like the DPRK team beat Dennis Rodman's ex-NBA team."

When the Globetrotters played against my high school's coaches (late 1960s), the Globetrotters won by just one basket, IIRC

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 Jan 9
Subjects: basketball, Dennis Rodman, North Korea, traitor
Z 10
Best of Spirits

Good sportsmanship can take strange forms

Text added on 2013 Dec 30
Subjects: family, sportsmanship, Scrabble
Comments open

Does anybody really understand cricket? I think the Brits have been faking it all this time. -joncelli

Cricket - the Emperor's New Clothes of Sports.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2013 Dec 9
Subjects: sports

Is there some sports thing happening? Here in Oklahoma, nobody pays much attention to that stuff.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2013 Dec 7
Subjects: Oklahoma, sports
