Marco Rubio
Rubio can't win because he has no Historic Firstitude.
We've already got a first gay President.
And now, a seasonal selection.
Asparagus: NYT: Rubio, Schumer personally involved in compromising News Corp, Limbaugh, and many others for amnesty.
Well, I'm about done annoying y'all here.
Watched two vids that are an amazing contrast.
Vic: RINO Rubio cancelled a speech at a conservative review group in SC...
FIVE MINUTES before his scheduled speech, claiming he had a "scheduling conflict." Pathetic worm.
"I will focus on why conservatives should pick Cruz over Marco Rubio...."
Marco Rubio and Jeff Flake ... separated at birth?
Rubio - Are You Ready for a New American Century
Does it involve fundamental transformation?
2016 campaign slogans - the lameness
Rubio: More "conservative" than either of Arizona's Senators!
MSDNC Reporter: Do you have a lead foot?'
Rubio mighta said: I thought you were a reporter! Funny stuff. You'll succeed in stand-up.
Moi frenzies! You have nothing to fear from a Rubio presidency.
Wow. Listening to Rubio put me right to sleep.
"Sen. Rubio, who is not Mexican, in a sombrero against a Mexican flag background" is hilarious to me, but I have no sense of PC.
Subjects: Alex Jones, Bill Clinton, Chuck Hagel, Disney, Greg Gutfeld, gun rights, Homeland Security, Joe Biden, John McCain, Marco Rubio, Missouri, Netanyahu, patriotism
Subjects: alcohol, asteroid, economics, gun rights, Marco Rubio, marijuana, Milton Friedman, prohibition, self-defense, Tea Party, Trifecta, trolls
Subjects: debt, Dr. Benjamin Carson, Impeach Obama, Marco Rubio, Mexico, Rand Paul, Republicans and Democrats, Second Amendment, Stalin, Tea Party, Ted Cruz, Trifecta, tyranny, United States of America, water
Subjects: Eric Holder, foreign policy, Greg Gutfeld, Hillary Clinton, Iran, Jay Carney, Jerusalem, Joe Biden, John Kerry, legalization, Marco Rubio, marijuana, Mars, Michelle Malkin, NASA, Netanyahu, North Korea, Occupy Wall Street, Osama bin Laden, prohibition, socialism, Susan Rice, Timothy Geithner, Trifecta, unions, War in the Middle East
Subjects: cancer, China, foreign policy, George McGovern, Harry Reid, Impeach Obama, John Kerry, Marco Rubio, Mitt Romney, Obamacare
2012 may be the most crucial Presidential election in over a century. WHO do the REPUBLICANS offer to help restore Constitutional government?
Subjects: Election 2012, Republicans, US President, Sarah Palin, Allen West, Rick Perry, Marco Rubio, Paul Ryan, Bobby Jindal, Rick Santorum
'Twas HillBuzz first really got me to start taking a serious second look at Sarah Palin.
Subjects: Sarah Palin, US President, politics, George W Bush, Al Gore, John Kerry, Marco Rubio, video