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Adding Stringer Davis to the pencil-point tat club.
Daughter has started watching the Supergirl series. Late Sunday night she texted me:
Serious question. .. how did supergirl get pierced ears?
Me: On Krypton
Read all… ‖ Subjects: added on 2017 Jan 3
Subjects: adornment, superheroes and supervillains, Superman
Subjects: adornment, superheroes and supervillains, Superman
Wow! I share a rare tat style with CaliGirl! Cool!
Stabbed you in the leg? Ow. Wot a jerk.
Posted by: mindful webworker - dot... dot... at January 03, 2017 10:54 PM (+/zXg)
I was going to say no tats on me, but then I remembered.
PROME QUEEN - @%&(@ spellcheck never works when you need it.
Sources: billimartinable, Vsauce2, TheSlowMoGuys, danisnotonfire, AnnaAkana, JennaMarbles
Video by Others added on 2013 Jul 26
Subjects: Acapella Soul, adornment, education, self-control, transport
Subjects: Acapella Soul, adornment, education, self-control, transport
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Sources: collegehumor, theonion, BadLipReading, thebobjohnson1984, JewishNewsOne, MinutePhysics, vsauce3, SciShow, Numberphile, dkoska
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Sources: jaibeniwal, theonion, JennaMarbles, Vsauce2, thnkrtv, JewishNewsOne, JPLnews, SpaceRip
Video, Video by Others added on 2012 Dec 5
Subjects: adornment, Antarctica, cosmology, Disney, dogs, earth, history, invention, Japan, NASA, relationships, science, solar system, technology
Subjects: adornment, Antarctica, cosmology, Disney, dogs, earth, history, invention, Japan, NASA, relationships, science, solar system, technology
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Just for those who might want to know... How to trick people into thinking you're good looking