I really sympathize with the cars clobbered by trees.
Hi, bob. We've been on the road; delayed my replying.
Those are great. Really liked fail/win/fail. But I can compete with the "luckiest car owner."
We have many grand 100-year-old trees here, oaks and pecans.
Yesterday I drove my little red truck around the yard gathering up branches from the storms the other day.
My father, myself, and my children,
all played beneath that tree.
Now just a stump remains,
where the old oak used to be,
If a tree falls on your truck at 1am and you're around to hear it ... something.. boy am I tired. vanishing momentarily.
Swipe keyboards are pretty cool ... sometimes.
Okay, small dent above the window on the rear driver's side, and a bigger dent in the door that can probably be popped out.
Y'all recall, in early June, half an oak tree fell, barely missing van, truck, power line, and large window?
They might be just one miracle, two parts. When an old oak fell.
Long silly story time!
I got two miracles yesterday.
All our shade is oaks so I'm grateful, but when I open the door this time of year, dozens of oak danglies blow in.
105: mindful webworker - gardener
Glad that you're all ok. You were blessed, having it fall safely without injuring any one or damaging property, or the other trees.
mindful - Sorry to hear about your oak. We have a large old cherry tree that has produced bazillions of pies over decades, but it is dying.
Posted by: mindful webworker - gardener at May 31, 2014 08:42 AM
Half of a 100yo oak just split and fell in the yard. Huge bunch of tree.
Missed the power line, the big east window, and both cars. I'll count that as grace.
Trying to dis someone for being Christian and having a Christmas tree. "How to win friends and influence people" graduate.
Psychic breast exams: ʘʘ
"Having a natural tree sitting in your living room is like having a bucket of gasoline."