Police had to fire warning shots into the air when thousands of Dutch protestors stormed the site of a planned asylum centre, shortly to open for 1,500 refugees. ...
Not going to link story, just wanted to enter this headline as another exhibit in the decay of our civilization:
Calls for Christians to be given priority among Syrian refugees are discriminatory and reinforce a sense Muslims "are always going to be vilified in the Australian community," the country's high
I want fig trees!
Y'know, that long comment of mine didn't look that long in notepad, but looks like a comment bomb here. Gurk.
…in my YouTube subscription list. A comment on the current conflict.
"You can't say that civilization don't advance, however, for in every war they kill you in a new way."
— Will Rogers, 1929
Long & Late and maybe tangential since I think I dozed off reading part of the post, but since I done wrote it, here 'tis.
"But cultural society is no great and beneficent club of inherited privilege into which all men are born with free membership and entire equality.
If it's duck and cover, why did they use a turtle? The wisdom of Civil Defense and the inadequacy of modern desks.
My tl;dr du jour.
» I am against all promiscuous lifestyles, whatever genders are involved.... -votermom
That's the big secret. shhh.
Nice variety in the post, Mr. Maetenloch. Thanks.
Re the Oakland video: The "Wild West" was mostly more civilized than that. That's just plain "wilding."
their self-esteem greatly outpaced their level of competency.... -Ace
Subjects: civilization, Golden Rule, government, reason, religion, tolerance, tyranny
It is not enough to train men for work; in a complex society there must also be provided efficient methods of place finding.
Leadership is vital to progress. Wisdom, insight, and foresight are indispensable to the endurance of nations.
God is our Father
and all Men are Brothers
(Yes, that includes daughters,
sisters, and mothers.)
We ALREADY live in a police state
Fixing a hole in the Chicago River Introduction
Fixing a hole in the Chicago River.
This is the BIG GRAPHICS version. Here is the regular version. Here is the Print-a-Mini-Comic version.
Subjects: Chicago, potato, urban, civilization, spud people, flood, humor
Fixing a hole in the Chicago River.
This is the regular version. Here is the BIG GRAPHICS version. Here is the Print a Mini-Comic version.
Subjects: Chicago, potato, urban, civilization, spud people, flood, humor
This is the Print-a-Mini-Comic version.
Here is the online comic.
Subjects: Chicago, potato, urban, civilization, spud people, flood, humor
Together from the cradle.
Chicago is the Big Potato. Hard-gritten wallops of bitey observationalism.
This is the regular verion. Here is a BIG GRAPHICS version.
Chicago is the Big Potato. Hard-gritten wallops of bitey observationalism.
This is the large-graphic version. Here is the regular version.