"Whilst we deliberate how to begin a thing, it grows too late to begin it."
New recording, old recordings, whatever I can find to pad this out
Subjects: mind, perception, decisions, readiness, faith, Spirit, despair, lamentation, fear, hope, United States of America, talent, expression, songwriting, creativity, musician, The Art of
Slightly shorter show, but packed with more original songs.
Subjects: alcohol, relationships, love, family, parenting, recreation, humor, decisions, duty, obedience, faith, Spirit, marijuana, liberty, prohibition, healing, repeal, perfection, idealism, mortality, punctuality, fate, destiny, fatalism, Mother Teresa, service, music video
Twenty-two years ago, tonight, our family arrived in Oklahoma, moving from Chicago. Back to Oklahoma for me & Milady, first residence change for our three Chicago-born kids.
Cruzinator: Concentrate on passing the test.
No math, right?
Posted by: mindful webworker - theo logician at August 06, 2015 10:32 AM (v6tPi)
Insomniac: God and I are not on friendly terms.
How to know if I've made a really bad decision?
I made it.
Actually, Monday started yesterday for me. We were heading down to have a family lunch with my mom. Hit the highway, and the car started shimmying, only noticeable over 60mph.
am going to go
make some decisions
take some actions
to change my life
climb out of the hole
get off dead center
Posted by: mindful webworker in outer space at May 11, 2014 08:40 AM (6O259)
Showoff. Can't you be content with yelling "First!"?
I was compelled from the rack this morning by a sudden cascade of recollection of the awful major decisions that warped my life for the worse over the past forty-five years.
Ah, well, humbly re-submitted from last thread, since it's on-topic and since I incorporated that same photo, the doodle webwork for Dec 7:
Doodle for Dec 7, a photo remix
Decisions Have Consequences - sometimes major
Divided highway ahead. Choose direction now.
Subjects: Election 2012, decisions, liberty, administrative crisis
Remember, remember, remember!
Subjects: sincerity, decisions, location, remember, stick figure, Urantia Papers
End of the Road #31 of 37
What do you want me to do today, Lord?
There's a certain amount in almost everything you do.
When love runs away with you, what can you do?