Some comic relief. Five new original songs, somewhere between the weird and the humorous.
Subjects: gun rights, food, alcohol, relationships, Murphy's Law, chance, fail, phones, family, parenting, silliness, humor, music video
Nevergiveup: Don't waste your time. I have the winning ticket
You can have those corrupting zillions. I'll settle for the #2 prize, jus' fine.
1 in a Billion: Cop Disables Suspect's Gun by Shooting Bullet into Its Barrel
Time for that officer to go buy a lottery ticket.
How to Talk About the New Ghostbusters Movie...
Recently watched Ghostbusters again. Still great. Not Blues Brothers great, but great.
Always appreciate your selection of videos. (And always bookmarked on my heap o'links.)
fixerupper: I cross the line and buy my tickets in Kansas. Kansas is one of a handful of states that allow you to claim lottery winnings anonymously.
Wow! I won Powerball. Not the big one, of course, but, let's see, after Fed taxes, after state taxes, after paying off my debts, I should have... enough to buy every Moron-scribed book.
Since I apparently am not the California Powerball winner (really, a single winner? Poor soul is doomed), I'll say...
Mark Knoller @markknoller
If the Bureau of Public Debt won Powerball, it would reduce the National Debt from $18,897,682,225,587.89 to $18,896,182,225,587.89.
Weasel: If I win the lottery I will totally share that news with you guys.
Fixed for truthiness
Here's some real gun control!
GREEN BAY, Wis. - A young hunter will have a hard time topping his first hunting experience -- after he managed to get two deer in one shot.
Morning, Glories!
Friday the 13th. My lucky day! My black cat just crossed my path, for extra luck. Think I'll break a mirror and walk under a ladder, to cement my good fortune.
Today there were vets outside the grocery store.
Those are great. Really liked fail/win/fail. But I can compete with the "luckiest car owner."
"...We have spent the last fifty years mostly giving peace a chance.
Vic: "...evidence for the man found hanging does not support a lynching and is most likely suicide..."
Morning, Glories!
Friday the 13th come on a Friday two months in a row. I think it's obvious that global warming is to blame.
Fortunately, Friday the 13th is my lucky day.
Let's see… ignoring administrative fees, taxes take half, we'll say, and she was 1/3 winner, so of my $2 gamble, she got about 33¢ from me.
Glad to help. :D
Just finished reading several articles. All the way through, no less!
Thanks for the links, BenK, today and always.
"Good save Judd from this administration???"
Now that I'm up, dressed, fed a little, and look back at my initial message ... wtf?
Morning, Glories!
Friday the 13th come on a Friday this month?
It's my lucky day!
God bless the US Marines and Good save Judd from this administration.
It's all in the wrist.
Two headlines on Drudge
Al Qaeda Targeting USA for Digital 9/11
Solar storm nearly caused catastrophe on Earth (chance of happening still 1 in 10)
Subjects: catastrophe, chance, infrastructure, solar flare, terrorism
"I was so counting on hitting the Powerball this weekend..." -Chi-Town Jerry
Powerfully? Oh, no! Panic! I forgot to buy a ticket! I'll bet my numbers came up, too! Dang it!
The only thing I understood in that post was the graphic at the end. The rest seemed to be a documentary on the wealth redistribution patterns of Peruvia or something, I couldn't tell.
Oh, and that luck thing, has not worked in the last few years.
Posted by: Case
You never know. Things might've been worse without it!
Although some Russians get honorable mention for being wounded by concussive force from a rock from space.
"...only documented case of a human being hit by a rock from space."
Although some Russians get honorable mention for being wounded by concussive force from a rock from space.
It arrived from the middle of the last century! This $10 isn't what it used to be. But, neither are any of the others.
Mrs had a dresser which belonged to her mother, and was giving it to our daughter, so, naturally, I get The Dirty Job, to vacuum up the cobwebs underneath it.