
Webworks employing the medium of


Displaying 1 - 9 of 9
A silly song to sing with kids. Verses repeat, with counting... so it could be extended infinitely!
Verse, Audio, MIDI added on 1997 Mar 17
Subjects: children, counting, singing, fun
Babies grow up too fast. A simple reminder of simple days, like discovering you can find your foot.
Verse, Audio, MIDI added on 1997 Mar 17
Subjects: babies, children, growing up, play
Top tipped
Best of Spirits
It's all in your mind!
Verse, Audio, MIDI added on 1997 Feb 17
Subjects: mind, perception, decisions, readiness, faith, Spirit
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Best of Spirits
O! the inevitability of it all!
Verse, Audio, MIDI added on 1997 Feb 14
Subjects: death, dying, fate, fatalism, existentialism
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It's not about UFOs. It's about your revelation.
Lyrics. The video is here.
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Wonders Woman and Stevie
Best of Spirits

Wondering about the sense of wonder

Verse, Audio, MIDI added on 1997 Jan 21
Subjects: Spirit, faith, wonder
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up and down buttons
Best of Spirits
(The Way to God is)
Verse, Audio, MIDI added on 1997 Jan 21
Subjects: faith, Spirit, God, truth-seeking
Comments open