
Webworks and Offsite Comments,
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Displaying 1 - 13 of 13

Negative attitude is powerful juju. Let it burn. Constitution is meaningless. We have no party. Beware. Regressives thrive on negative attitude; it's their bread and butter.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2015 Mar 3
Subjects: cynicism, despair, faith, government

"I find your lack of faith in us finding something to bitch about disturbing." - RWC

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 May 14
Subjects: cynicism, preparedness

If the tides turned, what would we all do with all our grumpiness and cynicism and doomy doominess?

Asking, you know, for just in case preparedness.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 May 14
Subjects: cynicism, preparedness

As an acquaintance once said whilst tripping his brains out on a beautiful day up in the Rockies...

Is this all there is?

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 Mar 8
Subjects: cynicism, LSD

"...going back to Johnson."
"Lyndon or Andrew?"
Posted by: Mary Poppins'

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 Feb 11
Subjects: cynicism, Lyndon Baines Johnson, Richard Nixon

HBD Sarah Palin. 50 looks good on you.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 Feb 11
Subjects: Allen West, Barry Goldwater, cynicism, HillBuzz, Sarah Palin

Good morning. Thanks Vic, & all.

Via Drudge, on InfoWars, HI official who permitted I'd BC release the only fatality of plane crash.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2013 Dec 13
Subjects: cynicism, fatality, Ron Brown, violence
I Bleah Heart
Somebody was feeling frowny!
Cartoon added on 2012 Oct 16
Subjects: bumper sticker wisdom, cynicism, silliness
I Bleah Heart
Short & Tall Tales

Cynical silliness

Cartoon added on 2012 Oct 6
Subjects: cynicism, silliness
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Heeeere's MITT!
Radical Incline

At least he's not (as much of) a Marxist!

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Miracle on 34th
Best of Spirits

Be on guard against sinister forces at work in the world.

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