
Webworks and Offsite Comments,
relating to the subject of

US Constitution

Displaying 121 - 140 of 140

We don't need to get jumpy and impose rules which twist the law to ban what we dislike today but which will be used to ban what we like tomorrow when the Other Party is in power.

Which brings up a more sinister potential threat, namely, those who are aware of that martyr value and would desire it.

Calling on President Obama to strengthen and increase enforcement of the nation’s gun laws in the wake of a controversial gun tracking operation seems perverse -- asking the fox to please keep a closer eye on the chickens.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2011 Jul 13
Subjects: Fast and Furious, border security, Barack Obama, Second Amendment

Wow, I actually made it to the bottom of an AoS comment list! (Anyway, up to #220 as I compose this.) And what a ride!

Read all… Subjects: added on 2011 Jul 12
Subjects: Sarah Palin, Election 2012, US Constitution, politics, religion

In the last four years, at least 42,000 killed! That's about one out of every five people in my county being murdered each year!

Read all… Subjects: added on 2011 Jul 10
Subjects: Mexico, drugs, prohibition, repeal, US Constitution, law, legalization, human right
Radical Incline
It's not drugs but PROHIBITION which provides the fuel for the modern equivalent of rum-runner profits and Al Capones.
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Madman Obama has served his purpose, but is becoming every day more of a liability.

The enemies of America, including the Manchurian infiltrators, have declared war upon every aspect of American law and culture.

The LaughingStock Media mostly tippy-toed around this, while the new Vox Populi righteously called for justice.

“…in Time magazine, a once-respected publication.” Ah-hah-hah-hah! Chuckle chuckle! Good one.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2011 Jul 6
Subjects: US Constitution, Time magazine, Aaron Worthing, humor
Radical Incline

Sure we believe in liberty except when we don't, says Ann Coulter.

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We the People...
Radical Incline

When 70% of Americans do not know that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land, guess what! It isn't.

Text added on 2011 May 21
Subjects: US Constitution, law, Election 2012, citizenship
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Billboard: Where's the Birth Certificate?
Radical Incline

The game is afoot, Watson! The propaganda game for Obama, that is.

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Barack Machiavelli
Radical Incline

They know the Constitutionalists will (already did) rip this forgery to shreds, but the blind Obamabots will take this as solid and indisputable proof — just as they did before it was ever released.

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Niccolo Machiavelli
Radical Incline

They know the Constitutionalists will (already did) rip this forgery to shreds, but the blind Obamabots will take this as solid and indisputable proof — just as they did before it was ever released

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Billboard: Where's the Birth Certificate?
Radical Incline

Who does he think he's fooling? Not the Constitutionalists!

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Isn't that a remarkable coincidence such a big propaganda push happens just one day before the document's miraculous appearance!?!

"Kissinger was born in Germany and he was SOS under Nixon." Oh, yeah. How succinct your example where I used so many words! :)

So many interesting questions arise with this administration that never before needed consideration.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2011 Apr 4
Subjects: US Constitution, US Presidential succession, Barack Obama, US President
