Obama: More of Machiavelli than Marx (2)

They know the Constitutionalists will (already did) rip this forgery to shreds, but the blind Obamabots will take this as solid and indisputable proof — just as they did before it was ever released.

A Mindful Webworker argues with Magic M on The Sussman Show[*]

"And which US state has BC’s with footprints? None. Prove me wrong, I challenge you."

Oklahoma 1952. Chicago 1985. Just to name two. (Pardon me if I don't provide "proof" by uploading my own and my sons' birth certificates. When one of them runs for President, maybe.) Apparently not Hawaii, though, as you rightly point out. Both sides can lay that one to rest.

Race was not picked from a pre-defined list but by the parents as they identified themselves.

Maybe in Hawaii at that time. Many other places, pre-defined list, like it or not. White (or Caucasian), Negro (not Black until, what, at least the late 1960s, probably later), Other. Or, in some states, Indian (AmerInd, not Asian).

It makes perfect sense an African would identify himself as “African”, not as “Negro” – especially during a time where blacks were still effectively second-class Americans.

Well, not perfect sense. For one thing, it's not a "race" then or now; it's not even a nationality. (In the Goode family cartoon show, the liberal family adopted an African child. Joke was, he was white.) And comparison with other BCs from the same time and place will not prove anything, unless we find another actual African parent listed as African. Not terribly likely, but we could at least see if others were marked as Negro, just out of interest. I might've guessed "white" would be used, not "Caucasian," in those days, but from the Nordyke BCs, that guess would be wrong.


The Nordyke BCs also show that the M in P.M. apparently was, indeed, pre-printed on the forms. Scratch that one. OTOH, the P on Obama's doesn't appear to have the white photoshop halo of the rest of the altered letters. There are other differences that might mean nothing, like the birth month on Nordyke's being "Aug." and on Obama's "August." Typists repeatedly filling in forms would be consistent, buuut not necessarily. Might've been different people. Again, comparison with SEVERAL other forms from the same date might be indicative.

Ignoring the aging, smudging, and other matters which might be copying problems not on the original, the Nordyke BCs were filled in on a manual typewriter. (I spent a LOT of time on those, back when.) On Susan's, line 7a & 7c both have "Honolulu" In 7c, the H is slightly high, indicating the carriage-shift didn't get held down well. Just the opposite on Gretchen's. There are a few seeming but less-obvious such indicators in Obama's. It is much tidier in this regard, fwiw.

And you may need to replace the blade in your Occam's (not Ockham’s) Razor, M. The most likely explanation for a bad forgery like this is that it was not "two years… with the help of the FBI" [snort!] but with the help of relative juveniles acting in isolation who didn't know any better. Or, maybe instead of Occam we should apply Machiavelli, my preferred theory, because They know the Constitutionalists will (already did) rip this forgery to shreds, and also point out that, even if valid, an African father disqualifies him from being President, but the blind Obamabots will take this as solid and indisputable proof — just as they did before it was ever released — and damn that old rag written by dead male Europeans and all the 'racist birthers.'

[Note: To be clear, Magic M was not saying that about the FBI involvement, but was mocking it.]