freedom of information
Yuimetal: ...They should have physically interposed themselves between this bozo and the posters. Let her physically accost them, and then sue her ass into oblivion.
Question: Are the few Christians on TV today more likely or less likely to publicly express their beliefs?
Answer: Less likely. ... Mission accomplished. -soothsayer
So that no one has to mine the heap of offsite comments for the nuggets, these were panned out of the stream for October 2013, brushed off and polished up as needed before being set here.
Subjects: AoSHQ, border security, Daylight Saving Time, freedom of information, Impeach Obama, LaughingStock Media, liberty, Obamacare, Oklahoma, politics, proper province of government, Ronald Reagan, socialism, sunrise, Ted Cruz, US Marines
Yay. Long link worked.
Chiming in on something glanced back upthread almost 20 minutes ago :
"If only our society had an independent group dedicated to observing and disseminating information about important events." -Burn the Witch
"No such group exists." -NWConservative
Bloggers do not get "press" status.
When freedom of the press was originated, pamphleteering and propaganda were as much 'press' as 'newspapers.'
Subjects: abortion, bears, Benghazi, Canada, coffee, Colorado, drugs, economics, education, Election 2012, eligibility, freedom of information, Impeach Obama, Iran, Kenya, Mexico, Michelle Malkin, Michelle Obama, Mitt Romney, New Mexico, Ronald Reagan, royalty, Tea Party, Texas
The "Town Hell" debate had an audience of undecided voters. They were undecided how many votes they wanted to cast for Obama.
Subjects: Election 2012, digital future, freedom of information
As print dies and the Net is all there is, They will try to limit, edit, and control what the Net allows.
Subjects: Internet, Internet censorship, freedom of information, tyranny, Ann Barnhardt, Andrew Klavan, Frank Zappa, video
I suggest everybody watch it again, if you haven't recently.
Subjects: US Congress, freedom of information, justice, United States of America
We all must be taking our lock-step talking points from the anti-journo-list!
Subjects: Harry Reid, Glenn Beck, Jay Carney, Rush Limbaugh, Allen West, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, World Wide Web, freedom of information, video
As I've followed one blog to another, it does take me longer than ever to skim through all my favorites, and I don't get to half as many as I'd like, but: Yay! for many good blogs!
>...anyone else questioning recent history, before the internet...?
Subjects: history, news, LaughingStock Media, Internet, freedom of information
Dutch populist politician Geert Wilders was acquitted of inciting hatred of Muslims
Crazy tin-foil hat stuff. Nothing to see here. Move along. Move along.
Subjects: US Constitution, Progressives Playbook, China, Mexico, border security, Richard Nixon, Henry Kissinger, Idaho, Ronald Reagan, Bilderberger, freedom of information, modern police tactics, Barack Obama
As with drugs and other moral prohibitions, I believe the approach of blanket criminalization of abortion is inappropriate. To the epidemics of mammon -- like drug over-indulgence and the degeneracy and confusion which results in the epidemic of unintended and unwanted pregnancies and consequent abortion -- fundamentally, healthy bodies, minds, and families, and powerful, rightly-directed devotion are the only real *preventative* answer. Which, plainly, is the long, slow, hard road.
While heading there, regardless of our thinking in how to deal with the issues, we'd all like DATA if the government has it, right?