Richard Nixon
Taiwan's Cold War legacy
On Vulcan we have a saying, "Only Nixon could sell out China."
Oh, say, I neglected to mention there's a language warning on my new 20sec video Donald Trump is a Class Act. Not safe for little children, the genteel, or American Presidents.
Laurie David's Cervix : Nixon's legacy isn't Watergate, it's the EPA.
Federally mandated affirmative action.
Fiat currency -- and some ugly Eisenhower kids.
All Hail Eris 'way back at #18: Grammie Winger, this book may be of more practical application:
Prescription heroin? What nonsense. What you want to do is, set up methadone clinics....
Subjects: drugs, proper province of government, Richard Nixon
Cicero Kaboom! Kid: "Sorry. We can blame Reagan Nixon for this one. War on drugs."
Oh.My.Heavens. of all Tricky Dick's crimes in office, how could I have forgotten those uniforms? Blocked it out. All. Out.
As I will this post in a few minutes.
»» On this day in 1970 President Nixon signed a bill into law banning cigarette ads on radio and TV.
I'd forgotten that one was his. Good old super-conservative Nixon.
"why did not Bush who came after undo all the shit like this that he [Clinton] did via EO?"
Why did GWB snuggle up to the Muzzie Brohood after 9/11?
Subjects: George W Bush, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, US Constitution
Let's replace him [Jackson on $20] with Ronald Reagan.
—Obnoxious A-hole
I suggest Milton Friedman.
Obama replaced Nixon on the Three the moment he hit the scene.
Subjects: Impeach Obama, Milton Friedman, money, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan
"...going back to Johnson."
"Lyndon or Andrew?"
Posted by: Mary Poppins'
"...It gets so bad a number of dems turn on him and make a deal with pubs. They go for impeachment and removal....." -Fat Freddy's Cat
Piloting the Semi of State from Ike up to Reagan. Alternative 1/2-as-large version.
Subjects: US President, Eisenhower, John F Kennedy, Lyndon Baines Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan
Piloting the Semi of State from Ike up to Reagan. Alternative 2x larger version.
Subjects: US President, Eisenhower, John F Kennedy, Lyndon Baines Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan
Piloting the Semi of State through the end of the 20th Century. Johnson, Nixon.
"On this day in 1974 President Nixon signed a bill reducing the nation's speed limit to 55 mph."
Dick was such a f'ing disappointment.
"On this day in 1972 Nixon halted the bombing of North Vietnam. I was there."
Subjects: alternative history, Jane Fonda, Richard Nixon, Spiro Agnew, Viet Nam
What undermined your faith in Government the most?.... : Bigby's Shadow Puppet Hands
Nixon's "Secret Plan to End the Viet Nam War."
There's something strangely familiar about the voices of the Obama administration. Hmmm.
Subjects: Jay Carney, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, Barack Obama, Baghdad Bob, Sgt Schultz (John Bonner), Richard Nixon, parody, dark humor
Mindful Webworker Daily Doodle for today, linked in nic, is a lopsided freehand sketch of Nixon drawn during his 1973 I am not a crook speech.
Only read (okay, skimmed) 150 of these comments. Wow, folks. Enthuse much?
Subjects: Election 1972, Election 2012, Republicans and Democrats, Richard Nixon
Subjects: Barry Goldwater, Bill Clinton, black and white, children, democracy, education, Eisenhower, George McGovern, George W Bush, history, Hubert Humphrey, Jimmy Carter, Lyndon Baines Johnson, missiles, nuclear, politics, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Ross Perot, television, Willy Horton
Crazy tin-foil hat stuff. Nothing to see here. Move along. Move along.
Subjects: US Constitution, Progressives Playbook, China, Mexico, border security, Richard Nixon, Henry Kissinger, Idaho, Ronald Reagan, Bilderberger, freedom of information, modern police tactics, Barack Obama
A hundred channels and nothing on?
Subjects: channelling, TM, psychic, Urantia Moovement, Ed Sullivan, Paul McCartney, Mel Blanc, Amelia Earhart, Richard Nixon, Cleopatra, Urantia