When you test drive your dream car
*slowly plowing through the comments from the top*
Muldoon #24: Can't believe nobody has said it yet, so I will
"Lawyer, lawyer, pants on fire"
Soona: Starting to cloud up here in OKC....
You sure it's clouds and not smoke?
Got one two of those banned AT&T IPs, apparently. Try #4:
Long day, late getting home. Good to be here. Good to see all the kittehs are fine.
Wildfires Threaten Freedom
♪ Oh, the weather outside is smoky,
From pasture flames in Okie.
And until the rains return,
It'll burn, it'll burn, it'll burn. ♬
Alberta Oil Peon: Problem is, people put stuff other than grass in grasslands. Like buildings.
"But those who survived the purges hailed Stalin as a supreme genius..."
Frantically, desperately, loudly, and fearfully.
FenelonSpoke: Yes; I read your posts about the wildfires last night. How far away are they from you?
Whoa! Driving home, we could see that the grass fire - which around Noon was clearly huge in the next county, has spread over the hills and approaching us.
Wow! I won Powerball. Not the big one, of course, but, let's see, after Fed taxes, after state taxes, after paying off my debts, I should have... enough to buy every Moron-scribed book.
Morning, Glories!
"Having a natural tree sitting in your living room is like having a bucket of gasoline."
"USFS says fire in Yosemite was caused by a hunter with an illegal fire, not marijuana growers as was originally speculated."
A smoldering story of careless passion.
So, what did I miss on the Doom thread comments? By the time I got up it was already squooshed so I came directly here. Doomy post, tho!
Subjects: accident, Bartlesville, Batman, Chicago, fire, gangs, hope, humor, irony, music video, solar system
Subjects: animation, Disney, FBI, fire, fruit, Jesus, marriage, Michelle Obama, music video, Oklahoma, pear, pizza, police, pulsars, The Art of
It's a desert. At night.