
Webworks and Offsite Comments,
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Patriot Guard Riders

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The left doesn't change. Ever. : Washington Nearsider

Read all… Subjects: added on 2013 Nov 11
Subjects: Progressives Playbook, Patriot Guard Riders

From Aug 10, 2010 (amazed I found this in my mountain of bookmarks!):

Ruby Bartlett of Ramona [Oklahoma] would like to announce that her boyfriend Specialist Joe Whetstone of Bartlesville will be entering the Tulsa Airport and will be greeted by the Patriot Guard Riders.

The Patriot Guard Rider’s assist in “coming home welcomes” as well as burial needs.

Ruby would like to ask anyone wanting to participate in the welcome home to make posters or just stand along the road waving this young man back to his family.

...The Patriot Guard Riders will meet Spc. Whetstone at the Tulsa Airport.

He will be saluted by The Guard Riders and they will hold a small ceremony at the airport. The Guard Riders will escort Whetstone all the way to his home in Bartlesville.

Beautiful, isn't it! And as Khemo noted, quite a contrast to the shameful way those returning from Nam were sometimes greeted. In a way, we're still making up for that, and I think of that every time I thank a vet for his or her service. The website in the article is Check it out for more info!

Read all… Subjects: added on 2011 Sep 4
Subjects: US military, Patriot Guard Riders