Independence Day
It's INDEPENDENCE DAY..... Not the 4th of July.
Oh... I see someone's already made that point.
Another depressing Mark Dice on-the-street interviews:
4th of July Fails - Americans Don't Know Why We Celebrate Fourth of July!
Okay, let me try to be more on-topic this time. A bit of news from the old home town:
Morning, Glories!
Finished reading comments in the last thread too late to say hello there. Hello here.
Happy 4th of July Eve!
That special season of the year
That special season of the year! Tonight, Uncle Sam slips down the chimney of all the good little citizens…
I just realized... it's...
4th of July Eve!
Their Vote Counts Twice As Much As Yours Does Dept.:
More Mark Dice Independence Day interviews to make you feel great about our nation's future.
...I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival.
...When the dozen or so activists began burning the flag, a group of counter-protesters approached them and they scattered like scalded dogs.
No fresh hot webworks, but links to leftovers to celebrate the birth of the very notion of a free and self-governing people.
Reposting from end of last thread a couple of links to old July 4th webworks fwiw
Been busy, or insert other excuse here, and have no new flag-wavy webwork to offer for this year, but
here's a patriotic panel from last year:
America began with a declaration of independence, not just of the colonies from the crown, but of humankind from subjugation.
When my grandparents lived, this property had ten acres fenced off as living area. That's a lot of lawn, a lot of oak and pecan to trim around.
catching up - have no idea where the corgis are now...
"It's called 'Independence Day.'" -CharlieBrown'sDildo
I salute the Overnight Independence Day post.
63 ...the right of the people to alter or abolish it....
I would say not just right , but duty, to ourselves and our posterity.
"It's ridiculous nanny statism to not even allow Sparklers M-80s."
It's not just the "long train of abuses and usurpations," as troubling as they are. Gov always manages to have those.
Experience continuerh to shew that FSA & LIV & RINO are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to Tea Party up and rock the boat.
" alter or TO abolish it." Pretty close.
let's see... I think I can do this bit from memory...
what matters 101
Thanks, Vic. I feel unreasonably well-informed now.
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Subjects: Declaration of Independence, Independence Day, proper province of government
Meaning no direspect to the office of the Presidency, nor wishing any harm to come to the Presidential residence, and not to promote a movie I've never even watched, but your photo of storm clouds
Hope y'all had yourselves a liberty-lovin' little Independence Day! We all gathered at Mom's for her 92nd Independence Day. Baked beans, swimming, and friends and relations. God grant future generations will know what we know.
Here's a two-fer for the 4th. Andy Griffith + American History. (h/t Cuz BD
I'm with the Flagstons. Fireworks, yeah. Crowds -- lost my taste for masses of humanity living in Chicago for 14 years. I'll sit over here, thanks.