I Am the Voice of...

A hundred channels and nothing on?

Presenting for your edutainment,
the cover art originally planned
for UB Comix #4 'Channelling' Issue,
but rejected by the UB Comix Contact Commission
in favor of their own mysterious design.*

Ed Sullivan?
Ed's Show (timvp.com)
Ed's Show (retroland.com)
Amelia Earhart?
(correct spelling)
Official Website
A Biography (incwell.com)
Richard Nixon?
37th President of the United States of America (PBS)
Biography (whitehouse.gov)
Resurrected by Jesus (Urantia Paper 168)
Paul is dead?
How that got started
& his many offspring
St. Jude?
patron of desperate cases
The last pharoah
Matchless (Urantia Paper 96)
Grampaw Ghengis 1162?-1227 (Wikidpedia)
Grandson Kublai 1215-1294 (Wikidpedia)
His Highness Aga 1877-1957 (Story of Pakistan)
Montalban Star Trek
Mel Blanc?
Biography (Toonpedia)
Filmography (IMDB)
His radio show (Original Old Radio)
Google "mel blanc": hundreds of thousands of pages
2013 Jan 13: 2,760,000
2011 Oct 14: 893,000
2007 Apr 14: 1,200,000
2001 Dec: 10,000