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Sources: TheCourtJestersClub, CAGWmedia, ParkRidge47, BattleCryOfFreedom, MrClassicAds2000s, elithecat, danieljbmitchell, plopsmom, pholly1, avmorgado, tyler3850, 4President, marylanddemocrats, adecaroli, Chuckkeyes
Video by Others added on 2012 Nov 5
Subjects: Barry Goldwater, Bill Clinton, black and white, children, democracy, education, Eisenhower, George McGovern, George W Bush, history, Hubert Humphrey, Jimmy Carter, Lyndon Baines Johnson, missiles, nuclear, politics, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Ross Perot, television, Willy Horton
Subjects: Barry Goldwater, Bill Clinton, black and white, children, democracy, education, Eisenhower, George McGovern, George W Bush, history, Hubert Humphrey, Jimmy Carter, Lyndon Baines Johnson, missiles, nuclear, politics, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Ross Perot, television, Willy Horton
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