Election 2020
Welcome to the new political zoo. The old ways are gone. New symbols are needed.
The idiots self-congratulation congregation - Romney praises Biden
Election 2020 - nothng like it — links and videos from the past few days
Who watches the watchmen?
Not giving up, not surrendering.
Nothing to see here. Move along. The Media will tell you what's real and who won.
Some small errors may have occurred. Over and over and over…
Now everybody knows the liars have no clothes - The Election Continues - videos and links
The truth is, it's far from over.
They're not even pretending anymore - relevant videos
The Devil is in the Details, and the ballot box, and the counting crews…
After four years of exposing the cockroaches, now the spotlight is on their lying, cheating termites.
Before the vote is in
It's almost all over but the counting… and the rioting. Vids & stuff from the wild wild web.
This is what it's all been leading to
Spooktacular election season
Meanwhile, with the President, the view is yuge.
Joe on the campaign trail, speaking Stranglish.
Links and videos from the campaign trail
An experiment in reviving the heap o'links. Just random links, mostly political,
Subjects: Election 2020, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Melania Trump, Trump Derangement Syndrome, golf, urban, bats, Heap o' Links
All good things must come to an end. So must all evil things.
Subjects: Election 2020, Republicans and Democrats, Communism, death
They've finally nailed down the perfect ticket!
You can trust us — we're the good guys.
This time, this combination, we know we've got the winners!
Because everything about New York says good government
Subjects: Election 2020, Andrew Cuomo, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, parody
You don't want to know where that thing has been - the most election-turning Democrat team-up yet!
The Diversity Party's Leaders Showdown Debate, not including naptime.
If only I had published this when I first came up with it. Alas, now it's too late.
Horsefeathers and Balderdash were on a bus. Joe bit whose finger?
With candidates like this, the 2020 race will be something to see!