
Webworks and Offsite Comments,
relating to the subject of


Displaying 1 - 30 of 30

Ehhhrr… but, but, rock beats scissors.

This is a major shift in theological gamesmanship!

Read all… Subjects: added on 2017 Jun 17
Subjects: game, Jesus


Do you know that every deal of Free Cell is, presumably, winnable?

I had to give it up. I play Yukon instead. About 29-30% winnable.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2017 Mar 27
Subjects: game

Home, where I want to be. Just checking in to see what hash AT&T has bestowed upon me tonight.

Anna Puma #212: ...And you gotta catch them all in a red/white ball.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2016 Jul 18
Subjects: game

Mark Dice Trolling Poke'mon Go Players in Real Life

Read all… Subjects: added on 2016 Jul 14
Subjects: game

Re old vidgames, I may have mentioned this already recently, but here I go again.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2015 Dec 30
Subjects: game

Oh. Troika. Back when I played, we could only use English. Youse guyses apparently use just any old thing that sounds like a word. (ha ha) Ooo. Dowel would be a good Jotto word.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2015 Mar 21
Subjects: Scrabble

"Bennett bid four spades, was doubled and went down four tricks - eleven hundred points."

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 Aug 21
Subjects: game, Hollywooden, Jack the Cat

cth: “Actually, ARMATURE was also a bingo”

And also yours? Okay, then, going back to being impressed.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 Jul 16
Subjects: Scrabble, Jotto

I had to really sit down and take off my socks to see how you got to 140. 50 for using all tiles leaves 90, meaning triple word scores are cumulative? (10 * 3) * 3 = 90?

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 Jul 15
Subjects: Scrabble, Jotto

Relax! Enjoy! Grab a triple word square, cth! Hope you don't see this for a while.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 Jul 10
Subjects: Scrabble, risk, Jotto, family, news, Sheila Jackson Lee

>> but you know what I mean.

Something about shooting blanks at the fish in the barrel?


Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 Jun 17
Subjects: Scrabble, fish, absurdity

I've just re-examined the pillow fight picture very closely, and I call fake. If they had really been fighting, there would not have been such a neat Scrabble game.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 Apr 5
Subjects: Scrabble, women

Three dimensional Chinese Checkers.
Posted by: Bruce

(( mind boggles )) I wanna play.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 Mar 23
Subjects: dimensions, game
Z 10
Best of Spirits

Good sportsmanship can take strange forms

Text added on 2013 Dec 30
Subjects: family, sportsmanship, Scrabble
Comments open

"BINGO is a slang term used in Scrabble for a play using all seven of one’s tiles...."

Read all… Subjects: added on 2013 Dec 30
Subjects: Scrabble, parenting

"...ending in a chamber full of monsters 1312-feet underground, where CO2 and radon gas concentrations provoke hallucinations."

Dang Zork - I never could get past that room!

Read all… Subjects: added on 2013 Dec 7
Subjects: anthropology, game, monsters

I'm impressed. But... but... "Charlie"? And what's "Qi" if it's not Chinese? We never allowed proper names or abbreviations or non-English words when we were young.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2012 Oct 16
Subjects: Scrabble
I'm in 4-D!
Short & Tall Tales

It's multi-dimensional

Cartoon added on 2012 Sep 3
Subjects: 4D, game, virtual reality, dimensions, science fiction
Comments open

Decades ago, playing Scrabble with my younger sister, I was saving up to play all my letters (50 bonus points for you non-Scrabblers) and all I needed was an open "S." Suddenly there it was, but it

Read all… Subjects: added on 2011 Dec 7
Subjects: parenting, Scrabble, sportsmanship
virtual game
Second Life of Radd Dadd

A 4*4*4 version of Tic-Tac-Toe, but "dis ain't no baby's game"

Cartoon added on 2007 Nov 10
Subjects: game, virtual reality, tic-tac-toe
Tic Tac Toe, Man v Woman, animated
Cartoonish Sketches and Portraits
It's a child's game.
Cartoon added on 1997 Dec 12
Subjects: portrait, game, relationships
Before the invention of scissors and paper
Random Acts of Humor
Even-handed gamesmanship.
Cartoon added on 1997 Dec 12
Subjects: humor, game
Comments open
Before the Invention of Scissors and Paper
Even-handed gamesmanship.
Cartoon added on 1997 Oct 27
Subjects: humor, game
Tic Tac Toe, Man v Woman
It's a child's game.
Cartoon added on 1997 Sep 24
Subjects: portrait, game, relationships
FourthWits #2
The game is afoot afoot afoot.
Cartoon added on 1997 Apr 7
Subjects: 4D, game, virtual reality, dimensions, science fiction
The Art of

It's multi-dimensional

Cartoon added on 1997 Apr 6
Subjects: dimensions, science fiction, game
FourthWits #1
It's multi-dimensional.
Cartoon added on 1997 Apr 6
Subjects: 4D, game, virtual reality, dimensions, science fiction