
Webworks and Offsite Comments,
relating to the subject of


Displaying 1 - 29 of 29

cth: "So THAT’S what’s wrong with you!"

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 Aug 6
Subjects: parenting, babies


What a great, anticipatory, alert expression.

(As my BiL used to say, be alert. The world needs more lerts.)

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 May 29
Subjects: babies

»»We're off to purchase a vintage wooden high chair for the GrandGirl this day. I don't do plastic.
Posted by: ALH

We had a daughter. And a classic wooden high chair.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 Apr 5
Subjects: babies

"anything else we need for a first birthday? traditional i mean" —Bigby's Knuckle Sandwich

Cardboard box and a Sunday paper. Pure joy.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 Mar 2
Subjects: babies, birthday

"I got home and realized I had bought nada zip zero for the 8month old." -grammie winger

Isn't 8 months still the "a big cardboard box and a Sunday paper make great gifts" age?

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 Feb 14
Subjects: babies, toys

Your link gave me a page not found, but this link works for me at the moment.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 Jan 24
Subjects: animals, babies

"New trend of leaving the umbilical cord on babies for three to ten days" (Mail via Drudge)

What? It's all natural!

Read all… Subjects: added on 2013 Sep 26
Subjects: babies, health, parenting

8 Cat lying across arm. Typing and witticisms restricted. - J.J. Sefton

Read all… Subjects: added on 2013 Sep 24
Subjects: babies, cats

mfps- God bless.Wé survive. (Dad of daughter almost 32, twin sons 28.)

Paul Zummo - how many times i was glad God made babies so resilient!

Read all… Subjects: added on 2013 Aug 3
Subjects: babies
Newborn and Mother
The first face you recognize.
Illustration added on 2013 May 14
Subjects: babies, mother, Mary Jo

Great pic of the baby, btw!

Read all… Subjects: added on 2013 Apr 21
Subjects: babies
Somber Baby
Superbaby ponders her next mission.
Illustration added on 2012 Dec 17
Subjects: babies, children, face, portrait
When She Was an Only Child
It's a good way to start out.
Cartoon added on 2012 Oct 15
Subjects: family, babies
Cheeky Toddler
Trying out for the Gerber icon?
Cartoon added on 2012 Oct 14
Subjects: insomniac armed quad toddlers, babies, face


When our first was born, this is just what we did. Of course, we had a weekly diaper service that came to our door, took a bag of smelly away, and left us a bag of clean. Wouldn't've wanted to be that truck driver in a summer heat wave like now, but it was great!

My only trepidation with the plan was fasteners, knowing dutiful Dad would surely be poking my babies with the saftety pins. Modren Science to the Rescue! Velcro-closer diaper covers! Had to wash those, occasionally, when there was an over-the-top problem, but mostly it was far easier than lugging home a box of huggies. Plus, when the kid learns to stand there, unfasten the closers, let the diaper drop, and pee on it, it's a sign it's potty-training time!

Disposables are probably more biodegradable now, but initially they were not real enviro-friendly. Having an even-better alternative (and as a gift from Gramma as well), we had good little green glows inside about it.

Then we had twins. We tried the diaper service thing at first, but pretty soon we decided, parents of multiples get a pass on the whole green thing. Disposables all the rest of the way!

Read all… Subjects: added on 2012 Jun 28
Subjects: diapers, babies, parenting
Short & Tall Tales

A big adventure of some little guys

Comments open
Insomniac Armed Quad Toddlers
Short & Tall Tales
A big adventure of some little guys.
This is the Print-a-Mini-Comic version.
Here is the online version.

A big adventure of some little guys. Kiddisms version

The Art of

No sweeter sound in the universe

Illustration added on 1997 Apr 19
Subjects: portrait, mother, family, babies, children
Mama Singing Her Twin Babies to Sleep
No sweeter sound in the universe.
Illustration added on 1997 Apr 19
Subjects: portrait, mother, family, babies, children, singing
Babies grow up too fast. A simple reminder of simple days, like discovering you can find your foot.
Verse, Audio, MIDI added on 1997 Mar 17
Subjects: babies, children, growing up, play
Dad tries another lesson on sharing and giving with the toddlers.
This is the Print-a-Mini-Comic version.
Here is the online version.
Cartoon, Mini-Comic added on 1996 Mar 24
Subjects: children, babies, parenting, family, father, humor

Dad tries another lesson on sharing and giving with the toddlers.