Online Gaming Programming Attempt

cth: “Actually, ARMATURE was also a bingo”

And also yours? Okay, then, going back to being impressed.

When I think about it, I realize when I was playing Scrabble, and our favorite word game Jotto, I was playing against siblings 3, 6, and 9 years older than I. Vocabulary, and spelling, were important to me early on!

One thing I notice with your online Scrabble is automated scorekeeping. I’ve attempted to write an online Jotto game (long ago, there’s probably one online now), partly to play online, of course, but mostly because it’s too easy to give a wrong letter-match count on a word and not realize it until you’re several rounds farther along and the game is spoiled.

I actually was working on a whole suite of games, including Real Chinese Checkers (lots of triangles math in that one), which could be played online and have a common chat interface. The game stuff I nailed pretty well. It was the online commuications protocols I never mastered. Frustrating, because I had to hand-build in my 1990s software what is built-in to modern (Net age) programming software. And now, I’m so old and out of the loops, I’ll probably never upgrade, get that deeply into programming again, and so will never get to play Real Chinese Checkers over the Net. Just sit here moving my virtual marbles around by myself until I lose them…
